
tiān yá ruò bǐ lín
  • distance can't keep you two apart;be with each other though far apart
天涯若比邻 [tiān yá ruò bǐ lín]
  • [distance can't keep you two apart] 原为唐诗一句。王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》:海内存知己,天涯若比邻。现在常用来表达对远方友人的情谊,特指对外国人的情谊

天涯若比邻[tiān yá ruò bǐ lín]
  1. 便利的交通,尊重的和平,让世界天涯若比邻。

    Modern transportation and global peace make everybody neighbors .

  2. 书的世界却真正的“天涯若比邻”:作者是说,在书的世界里面,人与人之间没有距离,远在天涯的也像是隔壁邻居。

    In the world of books , it becomes true that the distance between an author and an reader is greatly shortened to nearly nonexistent regardless of their actual physical locations .

  3. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻,感谢网络把我们联系在一起,祝福你天天快乐平安。

    In the sea saves the friend , the horizon , if the neighbor , thanks network us contacts with in together , prays for heavenly blessing you to be joyful safely daily .