
  1. 原来,前几天,他上山砍柴的时候,把它掉在山里了。

    It turned out to be that when he went up the hill to cut firewood3 a few days ago , he left his hatchet there .

  2. 再得两天,宝宝可以上山。不可能介于两者之间。

    In two more days the " little darlings " would spin their cocoons . There was no in between .

  3. 2003年夏季的一天,两人上山放羊,突然下起大雨,夫妻俩不小心从山坡上滚下来,浑身是泥。

    Day of the summer of2003 , the two mountain sheep , and suddenly it began to rain , the couple accidentally roll down from the hillside , covered with mud .

  4. 以前,在一个小村子里,住着一个贫穷却很勤劳的男孩o他的父亲患了重病,长期卧床不起o为了维持生活,男孩不得已每天天刚亮就上山砍柴,然后在村子里卖o

    A long time ago , there lived a very poor but hard working boy in a small suburb . His father was so ill that he became bed ridden . To earn a living , the boY woke up early in the morning and went into the jungIe to chop wood for sale in the suburb .