- 网络pic;Polymorphism Information Content;polymorphism information content, PIC

The average PIC and the average gene heterozygosity in Limousin were the greatest , and Limousin bore high polymorphism ( PIC0.50 ) .
The average heterozygosity was 0.444 2 , the average PIC was 0.362 .
The PIC in the three loci was between 0.036-0.361 , and the average PIC was 0.239 .
Polymorphic information content of each locus was higher than 0.5 , with the average of PIC was 0.825 .
The polymorphism is high in which the heterozygosity is0.787 , the polymorphic information content ( PIC ) is0.772 .
The mean polymorphic information content ( PIC ) was 0.716 in 15 microsatellite locis .
Microsatellite marking , a genetic marking technology based on polymerase chain reaction , has being widely applied because it is abundant and covers almost whole genome with high polymorphism information content .
Allele frequency , numbers of effective alleles ( Ne ), polymorphism information contents ( PIC ) and heterozygosity ( H ) for every microsatellite locus were calculated by softwares .
M1 and M2 loci , D1 and D2 loci have the same gene frequency , genotype frequency , expected heterozygosity and polymorphic information content .
According to the allele frequencies of 31 microsatellite sites , mean heterozygosity ( H ), polymorphism information content ( PIC ) and genetic distances ( DA ) were calculated for each breed .
The genetic diversity of heterozygosity and polymorphic information content of preserved population of Taihu chicken in breeding chicken field of Wuxi city of Jiangsu province was analyzed by 30 microsatellite loci with high polymorphism .
Among Ascaris from humans and pigs , the average expected heterozygosity ( HE ) was 0.802 and 0.777 , and the polymorphism information content ( PIC ) 0.779 and 0.737 , respectively .
Mean Simpson index ( MD ), mean Shannon-Weaver index of genetic diversity ( MI ) and mean polymorphism information content ( MPIC ) were important evaluating parameters .
Results In Chinese normal population the allele frequencies of the five microsatellite DNAs were in good agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium . The polymorphism information content ( PIC ) of the five microsatellite DNA were 0.47,0.82,0.66,0.86 , and 0.86 respectively .
Polymorphism information content ( PIC ) of the four loci were beyond 0.5 , so the four loci were all highly polymorphic loci . The number of effective alleles was 12.1654 , 10.4213 , 7.6707 , and 8.4444 , respectively .
Genetic analysis showed the PIC was at a moderate polymorphism .
The mean polymorphism information content were 0.740 2 , 0.565 6 ;
The average polymorphic information content valued 0.1974 and 0.2102 , respectively .
There were no differences between Guizhou white water buffalo and Guizhou water buffalo .
There were no significant differences in allele number and expected heterozygosity among breeds using Friedman test .
The heterozygosity and the polymorphism information content were 0 . 88 and 0 . 885 , respectively .
With the allele frequencies , we calculated the genetic heterozygosity , polymorphism information content ( PIC ), and effective allele number .
The number of alleles and polymorphism information content ( PIC ) values were 4 / 0.7,5 / 0.75 and 6 / 0.80 respectively .
707 , The values of polymorphism information content is 0.353 ~ 0.658 , which showed this captive population had some genetic diversity and these loci were high polymorphism .
Analysis of polymorphic information content and genetic heterozygosity showed that the Chinese goat populations have rich genetic diversity and most of breeding farms currently conserved these indigenous resources well .
The polymorphism information content among the 26 pairs got the highest PIC 0.995 and the lowest 0.375 , with the average 0.713 among the 26 pairs .
The results are as follows : 1 . There were 878 alleles of genetic richness , 4.72 alleles per locus , 0.482 of average PIC inside of the released cultivar population detected by 186 SSR markers .
The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) In this population , average allele number of twenty-four microsatellites was 3.6 , average informative meiosis 235 , average heterozygosity and polymorphic information content 0.531 and 0.463 , respectively .
And Psc 2 showed the highest PIC value of 0.8500 .
The polymorphism information content is 0.9024 , and expected heterozygosity is 0.9634 in Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai Han population .