
  • 网络Gene functional analysis;GO analysis;Gene Ontology enrichment analysis;Pathway analysis & Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis
  1. 以cDNA文库为基础的EST(ExpressedSequenceTag,表达序列标签)技术是一种快速的进行基因功能分析及发现新基因的有效方法。

    EST ( Expressed Sequence Tag ) technology based on cDNA library are efficiency approach to analyze gene function and to discover new genes .

  2. 使用DAVID进行高通量基因功能分析将提供重要的见解,这些见解允许研究者在它们给定的基因组研究中理解生物学主题。

    DAVID is a Web-based application that provides a high-throughput and integrative gene functional annotation environment to systematically extract biological themes behind large gene lists .

  3. RNA干扰已成为一种进行基因功能分析的强有力的工具,并有望成为最有潜力的基因干预治疗方法。

    RNAi is now a powerful instrument for functional genomic analyses and will be a potentially useful method in highly specific dsRNA based gene-silencing therapeutics .

  4. RNAi自诞生以来,不仅应用于基因功能分析,而且作为基因治疗的一种方法,在肿瘤学研究领域中获得了较大进展。

    Since the advent of RNAi approach , RNAi has been widely used for gene function analyzing and gene therapy .

  5. 对上述EST所对应的基因功能分析结果表明,除去27.27%的EST未能分类外,克隆到的EST大多来自与基因/蛋白的表达调控相关的基因(占45.46%)。

    Functional analysis of the ESTs showed that a considerable proportion of them encoded proteins involved in gene / protein expression ( 45.46 % ) .

  6. 新生儿脑膜炎大肠杆菌K1株的HBMEC侵袭相关基因功能分析

    Function Analysis of the Genes of Invasion of HBMEC of E. coli in Neonatal Meningitis

  7. 细菌人工染色体(BAC)具有容量大、遗传稳定、易于操作等优点,在基因组研究和基因功能分析等方面得到了广泛应用。

    Bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) has several advantages such as large capacity , hereditary stability , and easily handling , etc. It has been widely used in genome research and gene function analysis .

  8. 实验还显示了siRNA较之于dsRNA介导的RNAi更具有优势,表明siRNA介导的RNAi可作为基因功能分析和未来的基因操作手段在家蚕的研究中应用。

    By comparison , siRNA has more special advantages than dsRNA in gene silencing . The results demonstrate that siRNA-induced RNAi has the potential that it can be applied on gene function exploration and gene manipulation in silkworm , Bombyx mori .

  9. 此外,对Orysa;DEL1基因功能分析表明,它在水稻的表皮毛的起始或发育过程中起到非常重要的作用。

    Finally , Orysa ; DEL1 function identification indicate that it plays an important role in trichomes formation or development of rice .

  10. 实验还显示了慢病毒携带的短发夹RNA能特异地、稳定地、有效地在体内、外表达let-7a,并能快速、有效地用于基因功能分析。

    It has been demonstrated that the lentivirus-delivered short hairpin RNAs ( shRNAs ) are capable of specific , highly stable and functional overexpression of let-7a gene expression both in vitro and in vivo , enabling rapid and efficient analysis of gene function .

  11. 此后进行基因功能分析。

    The function analyze of the gene were proceed .

  12. 这些载体的构建可为植物基因功能分析提供有效的研究工具。

    These constructs will provide efficient tools for function study of the plant genes .

  13. 植物基因功能分析高通量双元载体

    High-throughput Binary Vectors for Plant Gene Function Analysis

  14. 聚类分析及基因功能分析可以较全面的分析基因表达谱结果。

    Hierarchical clustering and functional gene classes can analyze the gene expression profile all around .

  15. 杆状病毒几丁质酶基因功能分析

    Functional Analysis of the Baculovirus Chitinase Gene

  16. 转基因植株目前已移入室外栽培,有待进一步基因功能分析。睡莲的缸池套栽技术

    The gene function is awaiting analysis . Interplanting Techniques for Water Lily in Vat and Pool

  17. 本文结果为研究分子育种和研究基因功能分析方法提供了重要依据。

    This paper provide an important basis for the study of molecular breeding and gene function research methods of analysis .

  18. 盐角草的组织培养工作为未来的转化研究和胁迫相关基因功能分析提供了有力的工具。

    The tissue culture of S. europaea provides a useful tool for future transformation research and the functional analysis of stress relative genes .

  19. 近年来,植物基因组测序为我们提供了大量的序列信息,我们有必要建立大规模基因功能分析方法。

    In recent years , whole genome studies in plant have produced a massive amount of sequence information . It is necessary for us to find large-scale functional genomic approaches .

  20. 拟南芥突变体的研究能促进其在功能、进化上的了解,更有助于其他高等植物的基因功能分析。

    The research based on mutants help us understanding the functional and evolutionary perspectives in Arabidopsis . It also gives a guide to the analysis of gene function in other higher plants .

  21. 深入的基因功能分析揭示了他们独特的生物合成途径和调节机理,为正在进行的组合生物合成结构改造和代谢工程产量提高奠定了基础。

    Extensive analyses of gene functions , their unique biosynthetic pathways and regulatory mechanisms have now paved the way for more rational structural modifications through combinatorial biosynthesis and yield improvements using metabolic engineering .

  22. 本实验已获得大量转基因三倍体毛白杨,并已将42个转基因株系移栽至温室中成活,为CCoAOMT基因功能分析,筛选出木质素含量降低的三倍体毛白杨的工程植株奠定坚实基础。

    We have obtained a lot of Km-resistant triploid Chinese white poplars , and 42 shoots were transferred to the greenhouse , which lay a foundation for regulation of the lignin biosynthesis by gene engineering and biotechnology in Chinese white poplar .

  23. 不同粘细菌来源的mts基因功能差异分析

    Analysis of the Function of mts Genes from Different Myxobacteria

  24. 木霉REMI突变株的构建及磷脂酶A2基因功能的分析

    Construction of Trichoderma Spp. Mutants by REMI and Functional Analysis of PLA_2

  25. 抗玉米矮花叶病两个显性互补基因的功能分析

    Function Analysis of Two Resistance Genes to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus

  26. 口腔黏膜下纤维性变发病相关基因的功能分析

    Analysis on the Oral Submucous Fibrosis-related Gene by cDNA Chip

  27. 拟南芥响应多环芳烃菲胁迫相关基因的功能分析

    Genes Functional Analysis of Arabidopsis Thaliana Responding to Phenanthrene Stress

  28. 对拟南芥突变体的鉴定和相关基因的功能分析是拟南芥功能基因组研究的重要内容。

    It is essential in the Arabidopsis genomic research to identify mutants and analyze their functions .

  29. 致病菌体内诱导基因的功能分析&体内表达技术的应用

    Functional analysis of in vivo - induced genes in pathogenic bacteria by in vivo expression technology

  30. 随着分子生物学技术的大量应用,关于植物雌性不育基因的功能分析、特别是结构性不育分子机理的研究方面取得了长足的进展。

    With molec μ Lar biology technology applied widely , functional analysis of plant female sterility gene has made great progresses .