
jī yīn zhuǎn biàn
  • gene conversion
  1. 这3种中药同时还可抑制羟基脲诱发的酵母细胞的基因转变。

    These medicines were also found to decrease the frequency of gene conversion in S. cerevisiae in the presence of hydroxyurea .

  2. 方法:对106例患者,采用PCR-RFLP检测基因缺失,RFLP筛查基因转变,并对PCR产物进行测序分析。

    METHODS : The homozygous deletion was detected by PCR-RFLP in106 Chinese children with SMA , gene conversion by RFLP and subtle mutations by sequencing .

  3. 在对鼠的研究中,研究者发现通过基因转变而缺乏BMP-7蛋白的鼠比没有经过转变的鼠棕色脂肪少。

    In mouse studies , the researchers found that mice genetically altered to have no BMP-7 protein had less brown fat as they developed than non-altered mice .

  4. GeorgeDimopoulos:“我们对这些杀死疟原虫的免疫反应非常感兴趣。因为我们认为,一旦我们了解了它的工作原理,我们就可以对蚊虫进行基因转变,将能够传播疟疾的蚊虫转变为不能传播疟疾的蚊虫。”

    GEORGE DIMOPOULOS : " We are particularly interested in these type of immune reactions that are responsible for killing the malaria parasite . Because we think once we understand how they work , we could be able to the mosquito genetically and mosquitoes that can transmit malaria into mosquitoes that cannot transmit malaria . "

  5. 一份相关报道关注了牛随时间发生的基因转变。

    A related report looked at genetic changes in cattle over time .

  6. 以遗传基因转变来解说新品种的新达尔文理论。

    A modern Darwinian theory that explains new species in terms of genetic mutations .

  7. 其他研究人员正在研究怎样使这些通过基因转变的昆虫在整个蚊虫种群中扩散。

    Other researchers are working on ways to spread these genetically modified insects among mosquito populations .

  8. 皮所提在一项电访中表示;「菸草是一种很奇妙的植物,因为它很容易地藉基因转变,而你可以轻易地藉一个细胞再制造出整株植物。」

    " Tobacco is a fantastic plant because it is easy to transform genetically and you can easily regenerate an entire plant from a single cell ," Pezzotti said in a telephone interview .

  9. 有大量的基因被转变到DNA里面

    a whole lot of genes are switched on in the DNA

  10. +34d外周血DNA基因型转变为供者型;+74d血型完全转变为供者型。

    The DNA genotype of the peripheral blood and the blood type were completely transformed to the donor ′ s at 34d and 74d , respectively .

  11. 基因活性转变这些脑区域的发展和效能。

    Gene activity shapes the development and activity of these brain regions .

  12. 只是单一基因的转变

    It 's just a single gene .

  13. 同时基因被转变的途径是被一个基因调节器的蛋白质叫FOXO

    And the way that they 're switched on is by a gene regulator protein called FOXO .

  14. 遗传基因的转变是当中合成外来遗传物质(例如病毒、细菌),是一种粗糙而不严密的方式,且后果无法预料。

    Genetic modification is a crude and imprecise way of incorporating foreign genetic material ( e.g.from viruses , bacteria ) into crops , with unpredictable consequences .

  15. 这棵紫杉原本是一棵雄树,去年,它发动了一些古老的基因,转变了性别,在秋天长出了两个雌树才长的浆果。

    Last year , the Fortingall yew , a male tree , called on some ancient genes and transitioned , producing two female berries in the autumn .

  16. 那些啤酒酿造商们将欢呼真贝酵母(eubayanus)的发现,因为它打开了有价值的基因。虽然这种基因没有转变成巴斯德酵母(pastorianus)但它可能帮助低温酿造的过程。

    Those brewers will cheer the discovery of eubayanus , as it opens a trove of genes that did not make the transition to pastorianus but which might help the process of cold brewing .

  17. 测定基因组序列工作的完成,意味着人类进入了后基因组时代,对基因的研究重点也从基因的发现转变为基因功能的发现。

    With the rapid development of biotechnology , humanity has entered a post-genome era , and the focus of researches will shift from discovering genes to discovering function of genes .