
  • 网络Reuben
  1. 吕便的意思是要救他脱离他们的手,把他归还他的父亲。

    Reuben said this to rescue him from them and take him back to his father .

  2. 他们的名字:属吕便的,有示丢珥的儿子以利蓿;

    These are the names of the men who are to assist you : from Reuben , Elizur son of Shedeur ;

  3. 愿吕便存活不至死亡,愿他人数不至稀少。

    Let Reuben live and not die , nor his men be few .

  4. 他们的名字:属吕便支派的有撒刻的儿子沙母亚;

    These are their names : from the tribe of Reuben , Shammua son of Zaccur ;

  5. 割麦子的时候,吕便往田里去寻见风茄,拿来给他母亲利亚。

    During wheat harvest , Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants , which he brought to his mother Leah .

  6. 吕便哪,你是我的长子,是我力量强壮的时候生的,本当大有尊荣,权力超众。

    Reuben , you are my firstborn , my might , the first sign of my strength , excelling in honor , excelling in power .

  7. 以色列住在那地的时候,吕便去与他父亲的妾辟拉同寝,以色列也听见了。

    While Israel was living in that region , Reuben went in and slept with his father 's concubine Bilhah , and Israel heard of it .

  8. 以色列的长子是吕便。

    The descendants of Reuben , the firstborn son of Israel , were : through Hanoch , the Hanochite clan ; through Pallu , the Palluite clan ;

  9. 你为何坐在羊圈内听群中吹笛的声音呢。在吕便的溪水旁有心中设大谋的。

    Why did you stay among the campfires to hear the whistling for the flocks ? In the districts of Reuben there was much searching of heart .