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  • 网络Lv Buwei;Lu Buwei;Lü Buwei
吕不韦 [lǚ bù wéi]
  • [Lu Buwei--the prime minister of Qin State in Warring States Period (?-235 B.C.)] (?-前235),战国时卫国濮阳(现在河南濮阳西南)人,原为阳翟(韩国都城,现在河南禹县)大商人,曾为秦国的相国

  1. 吕氏春秋是秦国最重要的一本历史文献,它的编撰者就是吕不韦。

    Lu Shi Chun Qiu is the most important historical literature of Qin .

  2. 吕不韦曾是富商,有一次庄襄王看上了他的小妾赵姬。

    A wealthy merchant , one of Lu Buwei 's concubines had caught the eye of the king .

  3. 吕不韦很清楚赵姬怀孕这一点,他只能自我慰籍他的儿子以后会继位成为诸侯王。

    Lu Buwei knew this , taking solace in the fact that his son would one day inherit the kingdom .

  4. 公元前250年,吕不韦著《吕氏春秋》,这是一部内容广泛的哲学著作。

    A comprehensive anthology of philosophical thinking around 250 BC is the Lushi Chunqiu , compiled by the chancellor Lu Buwei .

  5. 公元前238年,吕不韦涉嫌反叛年轻的秦王于是被驱逐出都。

    Implicated in a revolt against the boy emperor in 238 B. C. , L ü was banished from the capital .

  6. 秉性命之情,求天下为公&吕不韦的管理思想儒家生命伦理之方向与实践:同情共感与理性分析并进之路

    On the Management Thought of LU Buwei ; Direction and Practice of Confucian Bioethics : The Mutual Advancement of Sympathy and Rational Analysis

  7. 最初吕不韦是个商人,他利用自己的影响使得秦国的一个公子成为王储。

    Originally a merchant , L ü used his influence to have one of the princes of Qin declared the heir apparent to the throne .

  8. 赢政自称始皇帝,完成了吕不韦开始的统一中国的大业建立了秦朝。

    Calling himself Shi huang-ti ( " First Sovereign Emperor " ) , Cheng completed the unification of China begun by L ü and founded the Qin Dynasty .

  9. 据《史记》所载,秦始皇的生父是一个名叫吕不韦的男子,而吕不韦也是他的臣下之一。

    Qin Shi Huang 's father , according to the story , was actually a man named Lu Buwei , who would go on to be one of his advisers .

  10. 后来这位公子爱上了吕不韦的一个小妾,于是吕不韦就把这个小妾送给了这位公子,尽管据传这名小妾已经怀上了吕不韦的孩子。

    And when the prince fell in love with one of L ü 's concubines , L ü relinquished her , even though she was rumoured to be pregnant at the time .

  11. 从《应同》篇与邹衍、墨家之思想比较看,《应同》篇的五德终始学说可能是后期墨家根据吕不韦需要所改造的结果,讲五德终始的在战国后期也不止邹衍一家。

    This paper compares Zouyan with Mohism in " Yingtong " and concludes that the Wu De Zhong Shi thoughts may be a result of reconstruction according to Lv Buwei 's needs in late Mohism .

  12. 在吕不节的英明管理下,秦国吞并了很多邻国。在吕不韦统治的末期,中国已经走上统一之路。

    Under L ü 's clever management , the state of Qin , in northwest China , engulfed many of its neighbouring states , and by the end of L ü 's ministry , China was well on the way to unification .

  13. 吕不韦,公元前235年死于四川,政治家,秦国承相。秦国是公元前771年至221年中国的封建小国家之一,位于中国西北部。

    L ü Buwei ( died 235 B. C. , Szechwan Province , China ) was a Chinese statesman , minister of the state of Qin , one of the small feudal kingdoms into which China was divided between 771 B. C. and 221 B. C. .

  14. 为了报答吕不韦,这位公子登上王位后让吕不韦当了丞相。公元前246年,国君去世后,吕不韦的小妾所生之子赢政正式登上王位,吕不韦仍然做着秦国的丞相。

    In return for these favours , the prince , when he became ruler of Qin , made L ü minister of state , a position he continued to hold after the ruler died and the concubine 's son Cheng , or Ying , formally acceded to the throne in 246 B. C. .

  15. 吕不韦就是一个最好的例子。他凭借自己特殊的教育背景帮助流亡在赵国的秦国公子异人成为太子,后又成为秦王,而吕不韦一一一个备受歧视的商人最终成为秦的相国。

    The best example is the case of Lu Buwei , a wealthy merchant with an exceptional education background who helped to promote Prince Yiren of Qin who was exiled in Zhao to become heir apparent and later king of the state . Lu Buwei , member of the despised class of merchants , became chancellor of Qin .