
  1. 其次是南方经济文化的影响;

    Second , southern economy and culture had an influence .

  2. 南方经济植物土地适宜性及其评价

    Study on soil suitability and evaluation for economic useful plant in the South

  3. 本文系统论述了军队在美国南方经济重建中所起的作用。

    The thesis expounds systematically the army 's Role in the South economic Reconstruction .

  4. 从而得出,在唐中后期,尤其是唐后期,江南道的贡品,无论是从品种上还是数量上,要远远多于关内道,形成这种情况的原因是由唐后期南方经济的发展所决定的。

    This phenomenon is determined by the development of economy south in late Tang Dynasty .

  5. 棉花王国的转移将对南方经济产生最为深远的影响。

    This shift in the realm of King Cotton was to have the most far-reaching consequences on the economy of South .

  6. 2005年南方经济政策重点在于实现加入欧盟的标准。

    Economic policy in the south in the years leading up to2005 focused on meeting the criteria for admission to the European Union .

  7. 广东省是我国南方经济较发达的省份之一,房地产业的发展一直成为争论的焦点之一。

    Guangdong is one of the developed provinces in the south of China , and real estate has always been the focus of debate .

  8. 在分析总结国内现有评价指标体系的基础上,提出了一套适合于南方经济发达城市水资源可持续利用承载能力评价的指标体系。

    This paper presents an indicator system for evaluating water carrying capacity of southern China developed cities on the basis of analysis the current indicator system .

  9. 荆州经济的发展成为南方经济水平和地位不断提升的不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    The development of Jingzhou 's economy was an indispensable part of the fact that the economic level and position of the South were being promoted constantly .

  10. 为调整南方经济树种结构,以及南方丘岗经济开发找到了新途径。

    That will play a great role in adjusting the composition of economic trees , and will become a new way for economic development in hills of South of China .

  11. 唐朝后期,江南经济进一步发展,为以后南方经济水平超越北方奠定了基础。

    In the late Tang , areas in the south of the Yangtze River developed further , which laid a foundation for the economy of the south to overtake the north .

  12. 并且,这个政策可以加速将天津转变为一个北方的金融中心,以平衡上海作为南方经济中心窗口的角色。

    Nonetheless , it promises to provide a boost to the effort to turn Tianjin into the financial center of the north , balancing shanghai 's role as a window for the economy in the south .

  13. 随着全国政治经济重心的南移,以长江流域为中心的南方经济得到了长足的进步,三峡地区的经济地位逐渐上升,经济开发明显加快。

    With the southbound shift of the economic centrality , the southern economy got very good improvement with the valley of the Yangtze River as the center , while the economic status of Three Gorges went up gradually and the development was speed up remarkably .

  14. 对于这个吸引了数千万全国各地外来务工人员的南方经济中心来说,这是历史上第一年对参加高考的学生取消所有关户口或者说是户籍的限制。

    It is the first year that South China 's economic hub , which attracts tens of millions of migrant workers from across the country , will lift all the restrictions regarding hukou , or household registration , for students entering the college entrance exam .

  15. 中国南方红壤经济发达区农业生态系统可持续发展研究

    Research on Sustainable Agroecosystem of the Developed Red Soil Region in South China

  16. 农业、制造业、和矿产仍然是南方腹地经济中的中心产业。

    Agriculture , manufacturing and mineral production remain central to the economies of the Deep South states ;

  17. 第二,军队拍卖、出租土地,改造了南方的经济结构和政治结构。

    Second , the army auctioned and rented the land , the political and economic structure of the South was transformed .

  18. 经济欠发达区,耕地约为31&38%;中国南方红壤经济发达区农业生态系统可持续发展研究

    In the lacking land , farmland was about 31-38 % ; Research on Sustainable Agroecosystem of the Developed Red Soil Region in South China

  19. 南北冲突造成大约200万人丧命,还阻碍了南方的经济发展,这里是世界上最贫困的地区之一。

    The conflict cost an estimated two million lives . It also prevented most economic development in the south -- one of the poorest areas in the world .

  20. 从黑奴制到收成制&美国南方重建时期经济体制和社会阶级结构的变化

    The Economic and Social Revolution during Reconstruction in the American South

  21. 中国南方石灰岩地区经济社会可持续发展研究

    Socio - economic Sustainable Development in the Karst Region of South China

  22. 中国南方集体林区经济持续发展的抉择

    Thinking on Continued Development in Economy of Collective Forest Region of Southern China

  23. 种族问题是南方庄园制经济发展中的关键问题。

    The racial problem is a crucial problem in the growth of plantation economy .

  24. 他表示智利的第三个提案对于南方国家的经济增长和发展也至关重要。

    The representative stated that chile 's third proposal was also imperative to economic growth and development in the south .

  25. 柑橘是世界第一大果树,也是我国南方重要的经济树种。

    Citrus is the most important evergreen fruit crops in the world , and also the most important trees in south of China .

  26. 在工业文明取代南方种植园经济的趋势下,布兰琪与斯黛勒成为了两性争斗中的弱势群体。

    When the industrial civilization took place of Old South 's plantation , Blanche and Stelle became the fragile between the gender struggles .

  27. 柑橘是我国南方的重要经济作物,而逆境胁迫特别是干旱制约着柑橘的生产。

    Citrus is an important cash crop in the south of China . However , abiotic stress especially drought restricts the production of citrus .

  28. 他们的产生、发展与消亡与美国南方的庄园经济息息相关。

    The appearance , development and disappearance of the Southern Gentlemen have a close relation to the manor economy system of the South America .

  29. 低公摊的经济高标准的适用&南方中小城市经济适用房模式的探讨

    The economy in lower public area shared and the application in higher standards & discussion on the affordable housing model of small and MEDIUM-SIDED CITY in South China

  30. 相比之下,南方文化因经济发展而渐趋先进,而北人的不断南迁又加速了这一进程。

    By contrast , the South progressed steadily with the development of economy , in addition , the constant move from the North to South had accelerated the process .