
  • 网络The Gulf;Persian Gulf;gulf region
  1. 水污染不仅影响了幼发拉底河和底格里斯河,同时也影响了整个波斯湾地区。

    The water pollution is affecting not only the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers , but also the wider Persian Gulf region .

  2. 我们联系了我们在波斯湾地区和科威特的客户,我们问他们,为什么你们没有买黄金?

    We called some of our clients in the Persian Gulf , in Kuwait and said , 'why aren 't you guys buying gold ?

  3. 数位美国高级官员将于本周访问美国在波斯湾地区的盟国,为进行海军演习做准备,这些演习旨在检验它们联合拦截朝鲜开往伊朗船舶的能力。

    Senior US officials are visiting Persian Gulf allies this week to prepare for naval exercises testing their joint ability to intercept North Korean ships bound for Iran .

  4. 现在,新总理陆克文确认,他将把部署在波斯湾地区的大约1000名澳大利亚军队撤回500多人。

    Now prime minister , Mr. Rudd has confirmed he will pull out more than 500 of the approximately one thousand Australian troops deployed in the Persian Gulf region .

  5. 迄今为止,尽管中国采取了诸多政治和经济措施,其能源资源的主体部分仍然来源于中东和波斯湾地区。

    So far , in spite of political and economical measures , major part of energy resources comes to China from the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region .

  6. 本文试通过亨廷顿“文明冲突论”从不同文明的角度探讨后冷战时代美伊在波斯湾地区的博弈以及由此对当前国际格局产生的影响。

    The paper tried to consider from Huntington 's " culture conflict theory " to discuss the Gaming between US and Iran at Persian Gulf and its influence to international pattern nowadays .

  7. 总而言之,伊朗应当知道,美国将对那些威胁我们军人的人做出正面回击,我们会支持我们的盟友,将保卫我们在波斯湾地区的重要利益。

    But above all , know this : American will confront those who threaten our troops , we will stand by our allies , and we will defend our vital interests in the Persian Gulf .

  8. 在后勤方面,美国可以在地中海用潜水艇发射巡航导弹,也可能是从波斯湾地区的舰船上,尽管这些舰船上的导弹会达到射程极限。

    In terms of logistics , cruise missiles could be launched from American submarines in the Mediterranean and possibly from ships in the Gulf , although the ships would be at the limit of their range .

  9. 伊朗声称,不希望看到美国再次在波斯湾地区部署航母,这是各方对关键原油运输通道霍尔木兹海峡的未来意见不和的最新迹象。

    In the latest sign of discord over the future of the Strait of Hormuz , a key transit point for oil , Iran stated that it did not want to see Washington redeploying an aircraft carrier in the Gulf region .

  10. 波斯湾地区面积仅占世界大陆与大陆架总面积的1.85%.为何却集中了迄今所知的世界油藏的一半以上?

    The area of the Persion Gulf district is only 1.85 percent of the continents and continental shelves in the world , but why does the half of the oil fields which we know in the world concentrate on the Persian Gulf district ?

  11. 能够自由出入埃及领空和苏伊士运河对美国向伊拉克和波斯湾这样一些地区投送军事力量帮了大忙。

    Access to Egyptian airspace and to the Suez Canal has helped America project its power ( albeit not always wisely ) to such arenas as Iraq and the Persian Gulf .