
nán běi mào yì
  • North-South trade;vertical trade
  1. 产品垂直差异、产品内分工与南北贸易

    Vertical Product Differentiation , Intra-Product Specification , and North-South Trade

  2. 内生技术进步、南北贸易与干预政策

    Endogenous Technology Progress , North-South Trade and Interference Policy

  3. 论当代区域经济集团化与南北贸易

    Talk about Contemporary Regional Economy and North and South Trade

  4. 技能型技术进步、南北贸易与工资不平衡

    Skill-biased Technical Progress , North-south Trade and Wage Inequality

  5. 国际公平贸易运动:一个南北贸易的新潮流

    Global Fair Trade : New Trend of North-South Trade

  6. 南北贸易中的环境保护和绿色壁垒

    Environmental Protection and Green Barriers in South-North Trade

  7. 南北贸易模式与中国贸易条件决定模型实证研究

    North-South Trade and the Determining of China Terms of Trade : an Empirical Study

  8. 产品周期与南北贸易

    Product Cycle and the North-South Trade

  9. 南北贸易不对称表象的背后

    Behind North and South trade unbalance

  10. 南北贸易在拉大相对工资差距的同时促进了技能型技术进步。

    North-South Trade has much the same impact on wage inequality as does skill-biased technical progress .

  11. 因此,国际劳工标准问题成为近年来南北贸易的争论焦点之一。

    Hence the international labor standard has been one of the issues in the global trade in recent years .

  12. 在1861年,林肯总统禁止国家联盟与分离的邦联进行贸易。根据历史背景,可以直接翻译为:1861年,林肯总统禁止南北贸易!

    In1861 , President Lincoln prohibited the states of the Union from trading with the seceding states of the Confederacy .

  13. 南北贸易不仅通过进、出口贸易直接影响就业的变动,而且通过进、出口贸易的技术进步效应间接影响就业的变动。

    North-South trade can not only directly result in the change of employment through import and export , but also indirectly impact employment through technological change .

  14. 本文在南北贸易的框架下发展了一个内生增长模式,其中从事模仿活动的南方企业家是长期经济增长的关键因素。

    This paper develops a dynamic endogenous growth model in the framework of South-North trade system , where the southern imitative entrepreneurs is the key factor of economic growth .

  15. 本文从南北贸易模式出发分析其中隐含的环境成本转移和专业化陷阱问题,指出它们不利于一个国家或地区的可持续发展。

    This paper analyzes the implied problems of environmental cost transfer and specialization traps on the basis of South-Noth trade patterns . It points out that these problems will hinder the sustainable development of a country or an area .

  16. 其次,本文在第二小节中介绍了技术创新对产品出口影响的理论依据,主要介绍了三个理论模型:技术差距贸易模型,产品生命周期理论和南北贸易模型。

    Besides , in Chapter 3.2 this paper introduces the theories of technology innovation influencing the product export , which mainly includes three models : technology gap trade model , the product life circle model , and the north-south trade model .

  17. 当前,南北贸易关系中的紧急需要仍是稳定发展中国家初级产品出口收入和改善其贸易条件以及扩大发展中国家制成品进入市场等问题。

    The pressing issue in North-South trade at present is to steadily increase the export earnings of the developing countries from primary products , improve their trade conditions and expand the exports of manufactured goods from developing countries in the world market .

  18. 这一点很重要,因为发展中国家可以从‘南南’贸易改革中获得与‘南北’贸易改革同样多的利益。

    That in turn will accelerate trade within the developing world , which is important because benefits to developing countries could be as much from South-South as from South-North trade reform .

  19. APEC和“10+3”具有开放式地区主义、南北型自由贸易区等特点。

    Opening regionalism and south-north-type FTA are the APEC features .

  20. 南北产业内贸易分析

    Analyses of South-North Intra-industry Trade

  21. 70年代初以来,南北产业内贸易发展迅速,并呈现出若干重要特征。

    Since the beginning of the 70s , South North intra industry trade has been in rapid progress with some features .

  22. 江西呈现以赣江为纽带的南北两极过境贸易的繁荣和沿江口岸的兴起。

    The rising of the trade and ports along the Ganjiang River between the south and the north appeared in Jiangxi .

  23. 南北产业内贸易实证分析&以中欧制造业为例

    The Intra-industry Trade between Developed countries and Developing countries & On the case of manufacturing industry between China and European Union

  24. 针对中国参加南北型自由贸易区的现实情况,笔者提出了几点政策建议。

    As far as the facts of China participating in south-north regional economic integration are concerned , the author puts forwards some simple proposals .

  25. 发达国家和发展中国家都有很多人认为,南北之间的贸易不公平不可避免,因为双方的经济实力存在差异。

    Many people in both the developed and developing worlds believe that trade between north and south is necessarily unfair because of the inequality of economic power .

  26. 去年南北双方之间的贸易出现增加,主要是因为位于朝鲜开城的一个联合工业园区的产量增加。

    Last year 's increase in inter-Korean trade resulted mainly from increased production at a joint industrial complex at Kaesong in North Korea .

  27. 论文的第一章是关于南北合作型自由贸易区的定义和特点,以及南北合作型自由贸易区建设在理论上和现实上必要性。

    Besides the definitions and the characteristic of South-North FTA , the first chapter introduces the necessity of South - North FTA both abstractly and realistically .

  28. 本文对区域经济一体化的理论进行梳理和分析,为建设南北合作型自由贸易区的必要性提出解释。

    The paper collects and arranges theories of regional economic integration ( REI ) to explain the necessity of South-North FTA ( Free Trade Area ) .

  29. 这些传统贸易理论不仅很好地解释了南北国家之间的贸易活动,而且也导致了今天南北国家的分工格局。

    These theories not only explain the business activities between the northern and the southern countries , but also result in the presently international division of labor .

  30. 并以巴西与美国关于美洲自由贸易区谈判为例,标识出其中每个重大转折的原因和背景,发掘南北合作型自由贸易区建设的主要问题。

    Then it traces back the negotiation of FTAA , marking the background , digging out the origin for every milestone and collecting the problems in the construction of South-North FTA .