
Nán Fēi Dà Xué
  • University of South Africa
  1. 但是,一个半世纪后,南非大学的一个历史学教授贸然提出,“起誓日”没有什么特别之处,上帝不必眷顾那个创造隔离制度的种族。

    But a century and a half later , a disrespectful history professor at the University of South Africa suggested that the " Day of the Covenant " was nothing special and that God was not necessarily rooting for the tribe that created apartheid .

  2. 近些年来,南非大学坚持面向未来,面向学习型社会,面向开放型远程教育,努力发展有特色的远程高等教育,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,成为当今世界享有声誉的“巨型大学”之一。

    In recent years , the orientation of the University of South Africa ( Unisa ) towards a learning society and the future in the development of the distinctive open distance education has obtained notable achievements , distinguishing Unisa as one of the " mega universities " in the world .

  3. 1984年南非大学授予约翰鲁斯优等生音乐硕士学位。

    In1984 Unisa conferred the MMus degree on John Roos cum laude .

  4. 南非大学的教学、管理、评估与服务体系

    An Introduction to the Teaching , Management , Evaluation and Support System in South African University

  5. YaliweClarke是南非开普敦大学性学研究的一名讲师。

    Yaliwe Clarke is a lecturer in gender studies at the University of Cape Town in South Africa .

  6. 南非金山大学(WitwatersrandUniversity)内科部的IanSanne教授是这些实验的一名主要研究人员。

    Professor Ian Sanne is a chief researcher in the trials from the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa .

  7. MarkTadross是南非开普敦大学环境与地理科学系的高级研究员。

    Mark Tadross is a senior research fellow in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town , South Africa .

  8. 南非林波波大学(UniversityofLimpop)的病毒学负责人JeffreyMphahlele说,如果麻疹免疫项目要想取得成果,就必须使用当地数据。

    Jeffrey Mphahlele , head of virology at the University of Limpopo in South Africa , says it is imperative that local data is used if measles vaccination programmes are to be successful .

  9. 塞内加尔达喀尔的CheikhAntaDiop大学和最近的南非开普敦大学都走了这条道路。

    The Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar , Senegal and , more recently , the University of Cape Town in South Africa have both followed this route .

  10. 南非金山大学经济地质研究所和休·艾尔索普实验室简介

    Economic geology research institute & hugh allsopp Laboratory University of the Witwatersrand

  11. 我最近收到南非某大学官员的一封电子邮件,提到大学为9.2万人次的球迷预留了床位。

    I recently got an e-mail from an official at one South African university , which had reserved 92,000 bed-nights for football visitors .

  12. 大多数中国学生选择在南苏丹、埃及、肯尼亚、加纳、埃塞俄比亚和南非的大学学习。

    Most Chinese students choose to study in universities in South Sudan , Egypt , Kenya , Ghana , Ethiopia and South Africa .

  13. 他中断了他在南非罗得斯大学的学习,为的是成为皇家空军的一名飞行员以抗击德国人。

    He had interrupted his studies at Rhodes University in South Africa to fight the Germans as a pilot in the Royal Air Force .

  14. 但南非罗德斯大学的物理学家安东尼沙利文则称这个想法纯粹是市场炒作和浪费金钱。

    But Anthony Sullivan , a physicist at South Africa 's Rhodes University , called the idea a marketing hype and a waste of money .

  15. 它还将成为南非约翰内斯堡大学和茨瓦内理工大学等高等学府的开放实验室。

    It will also serve as an open lab to South African institutions of higher learning such as University of Johannesburg and Tshwane University of Technology .

  16. 在过去,南非国内大学的学生学习一门欧洲语言是司空见惯的,因为他们认为欧洲将敞开国际大门。

    It was natural for students at South African universities to study another European language , because of the belief that it would open international doors .

  17. 南非金山大学化学工程与冶金工程学院材料与工艺合成中心高级咨询师刘歆颖认为这是整合可再生能源应用领域的一个有益尝试。

    Liu Xinying , an engineering consultant at the University of the Witwatersrand , South Africa , says the plant is a good attempt at renewable energy integration .

  18. 该研究是由南非比勒陀利亚大学的扬·布因思博士和威特沃特斯兰德大学的弗朗西斯·萨克里博士共同完成的。

    The research was carried out by Dr Jan Boeyens at the University of Pretoria and Dr Francis Thackeray of the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa .

  19. 但是最近,南非比勒陀利亚大学哺乳动物研究学院的代表们接二连三地目睹了这一现象的发生。

    But more recently , representatives of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria , South Africa , have seen it happening again . And again . And again .

  20. 南非开普顿大学的生物学家吉尔·法兰特表示,对那些想在降雨量无法预测的地方种植农作物的人来说,大自然有很多答案。

    Biologist Jill Farrant of the University of Cape Town in South Africa says that nature has plenty of answers for people who want to grow crops in places with unpredictable rainfall .

  21. 其中一位作者是南非斯泰伦博什大学和约翰·霍普金斯大学布隆博格公共卫生学院的JeanNachega。

    One of the authors was Dr. Jean Nachega of South Africa 's Stellenbosch University and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore , Maryland .

  22. KellyChibale是南非开普大学的有机化学教授兼南非医学研究理事会药物发现与开发研究组主任。

    Kelly Chibale is a professor of organic chemistry at the University of Cape , South Africa and director of the South African Medical Research Council 's Drug Discovery and Development Research Unit .

  23. 南非约翰尼斯堡大学的学生正在制造太阳能汽车并在各比赛中竞争。

    Students at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa are building solar-powered cars and racing them in competitions .

  24. 在纳米过滤领域,南非的西北大学已经建立了一个处理厂,它利用超滤膜清洁一个村庄的含盐地下水。

    In the field of nanofiltration , South Africa 's North-West University has built a treatment plant that incorporates ultrafiltration membranes to clean brackish groundwater in a ruralvillage .

  25. 目的:本研究目的是比较南非中学,大学,俱乐部和省级比赛中橄榄球员脑震荡的季度发生率。

    Objective : The objective of this study was to compare the seasonal concussion incidence for school , university , club and provincial level Rugby Union players in South Africa .

  26. 保罗.万.赫尔登是南非斯泰伦博斯大学的一名结核病研究员,他说,《柳叶刀》的研究为评估今后的进展提供了一个基线。

    Paul van Helden , a tuberculosis researcher at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa , says that the lancet study provides a baseline against which to measure future progress .

  27. 南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)认为,这是中非关系日益成熟的最新迹象。

    Martyn Davies , head of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa 's Stellenbosch University , argues it is the latest sign of the maturing of the relationship .

  28. 与此同时,南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)提醒非洲人,不要滥用殖民地比较。

    At the same time , Martyn Davies , director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa 's Stellenbosch University , cautions Africans against overdoing the colonial comparison .

  29. “我认为,有许多口头的承诺但是没有太多行动。”南非Grahamstown的Rhodes大学的酶学家ChrisWhiteley说。

    " In my mind there are a lot of verbal promises but not much action ," said Chris Whiteley , an enzymologist at Rhodes University in Grahamstown , South Africa .

  30. 德莱克.济慈是南非西好望角省大学的一名教授。

    Derek Keats is a professor at the University of Western Cape in South Africa .