
The research development of pepper ( C.annuum ) haploid breeding technology in the world
The results will give some theoretical direction for triticale breeding .
The technology of cayenne anther culture monoploid breeding they set up belongs to the area of plant biological technology .
' Huafu ' is a new variety of high qualities selected by anther-culture of ' Fuji ' with the technology of haploid-breeding .
We also listed the major problems in the research of pepper haploid breeding technology and made prospects of the potential application of anther and isolated microspore culture .
Stable-lines could be developed through platform of microspore culture derived DH ( double haploid ) breeding technique within two years and stable variety could be produced within 4 years .
Haploid breeding technique , mainly involving anther culture , plays a very important role in idioplasm melioration in plants . Now it has been broadly applied to the fields of agriculture and horticulture . Haploid breeding technique has some dominant characteristics as compared with other breeding methods .
Techniques of radiation induced haploid breeding of Wheat
Characterized by its high efficiency and low cost , the double haploid ( DH ) breeding method is a very important research area in modern biotechnological plant breeding , and wide use of it has been made in agriculture as well as horticulture crops .
Biotechnology has been applied widely in lily breeding , such as in vitro conservation of germplasm , embryo culture to overcome the incompatibility of distant hybridization , anther culture and haploid breeding , genetic modification , tissue culture and so on .