
huáng lǜ
  • brilliant green
煌绿[huáng lǜ]
  1. 用煌绿-瑞-吉染色法,成熟精子着色浅,不成熟精子头部着紫红色;金属着色

    Mature spermatozoa was stained lightly and immature one stained purple with brilliant green-Wright-Geimsa ; Metal Colouring

  2. 磺绿胆盐琼脂;煌绿胆盐琼脂;福克斯氏培养基

    AE brilliant green-bile salt agar

  3. 结论煌绿酒精加金霉素眼膏的治疗方法效果好于硫酸锌眼药水加金霉素眼膏的治疗方法。

    Conclusions The efficacy of ethyl green alcohol plus oculentum aureomycin was better than ocustilla zinc sulfate plus oculentum aureomycin in the treatment of ulcerative blepharitis .

  4. 方法将46例78眼患者分别采用煌绿酒精加金霉素眼膏的治疗方法和硫酸锌眼药水加金霉素眼膏的治疗方法,比较2种治疗方法的疗效。

    Methods 78 eyes of 46 cases with ulcerative blepharitis were treated with ethyl green alcohol plus oculentum aureomycin ( Group A ) or ocustilla zinc sulfate plus oculentum aureomycin ( Group B ) .