
  • 网络Global Information Infrastructure;gii
  1. 论新型全球信息基础设施与数字城市的规划

    On the global information infrastructure and planning for Digital City

  2. 全球信息基础设施委员会

    Global Information Infrastructure Commission

  3. 大众传媒广泛关注的全球信息基础设施和Internet

    GII and Internet with Concern from the Mass Media

  4. 数字地球,作为下一代全球信息基础设施,已经得到了社会各界的广泛认同。

    Digit Earth , as the basic of the world-wide information system , has been accepted by the society .

  5. 本文论及了全球信息基础设施和国家信息基础设施将给全球社会和经济带来的利益,并描绘了它们的发展蓝图。

    The article outlines the basic principles blueprints for Global InformationInfrastructure National Information Infrastructure and the benefits GII NII will bring .

  6. 随着信息高速公路的搭建及其高速发展,网络已经成为全球信息通信基础设施中不可或缺的主要组成部分,无论是军事、生活还是文化上,都起着重要的作用。

    With the structures and the rapid development of the information superhighway , internet has become an important part of the global information communication infrastructure and played an important role in military , life and culture .