
  • 网络Information and communication technology;ict
  1. 美国贸易代表柯克(RonKirk)对信息和通讯技术贸易原则的最后定稿表示赞赏。

    United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk praised the finalization of the ICT trade principles .

  2. 我们和欧盟在信息和通讯技术部门有许多类似的政策。

    We and the EU have many similar policies in the ICT sector .

  3. 上个世纪90年代以来,信息化浪潮席卷全球。随着信息和通讯技术(InformationandCommunicationTechnologies-ICT)的飞速发展,信息产业已经成了一个国家和地区的经济能否实现新一轮增长的主导产业。

    As the innovation of information and communication technologies ( ICT ), convergence has become the global trend of information industry 's development .

  4. 一些听众建议我们讲述一下ICT,信息和通讯技术。

    Some of you suggested that we talk about ICT , information and communication technology .

  5. RobertShaw表示,这种对训练员提供培训的项目帮助满足了对信息和通讯技术专业人才日益增长的需求。

    Robert Shaw says this kind of train-the-trainer program helps meet a growing demand for s in information and communication technologies , or ICT .

  6. 本文主要就信息和通讯技术(ICT)发展对教育的影响进行了一些反思,并尝试对远程教育在未来几年的发展方向作了一些探讨。

    The paper makes some reflections on the impact of the development of Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) on education and trys to inquiry the direction of distance education in the near future .

  7. 信息和通讯技术(ICT),特别是因特网技术的迅猛发展,推动着全球经济进入一种全球化状态,而生产要素在上述技术进步的支撑下也以一种新的经济形态呈现于世。

    With the swift development of information and communication technology ( ICT ), especially internet technology , economy is promoted to be globalized . , and under the support of above-mentioned technological progress production elements appears in new economic shape .

  8. 中国电信则表示,将会实现千兆光网城市布局新区,即下游带宽可达到1G。此外,中国电信还计划建设安全可靠的基础设施,确保雄安可以比其他地区相对较早地实现对信息和通讯技术的充分利用。

    China Telecom also said it would establish gigabit network access in the special economic zone , meaning the downstream bandwidth can achieve 1G . It also plans to provide reliable infrastructure to enable the city take full advantage of information and communication technology earlier than other regions .

  9. 我谈到了信息和通讯技术的革命。

    I mentioned the revolution in communications and information technologies .

  10. 1997-2002年信息和通讯技术支出占国内生产总值的比重

    Share of ICT Expenditure to GDP in 1997-2002

  11. 这是信息和通讯技术革命以来发生的第一次大流行病。

    This is the first pandemic to occur since the revolution in communications and information technologies .

  12. 研究显示,信息和通讯技术的发展已经极大地促进了经济的增长。

    The study shows that the development of ICT has greatly promoted the growth of economy .

  13. 信息和通讯技术的发展对组织结构及在组织中的工作带来了巨大的冲击。

    The development of information and communication technology greatly impact the organize structure and the work of structure .

  14. 随着信息和通讯技术的飞速发展,虚拟经营已经显示出巨大的发展潜力。

    As the advancement of the technology of information and communications , virtual management has shown great potential .

  15. 本文介绍的并行工程和项目管理的平行应用采用了这种方法和功效不断提高的、信息和通讯技术支持的辅助手段,具有在地点和时间上分布的产品开发过程的集成能力。

    Communication and information technology increases efficiency and enables integrated development processes distributed in time and over different locations .

  16. 同时,先进的信息和通讯技术为虚拟团队的兴起和发展奠定了技术基础。

    In the meantime , the advanced information and communications technologies are technological foundation for rise and development of virtual teams .

  17. 运用信息和通讯技术帮助诊断、治疗和预防,以及对健康状况的调查和监控。

    Apply information and communication technology to diagnostic , therapeutic and preventive measures , and for surveillance and monitoring health status ;

  18. 分布式的信息和通讯技术,正与分布式的可再生能源融合,为第三次工业革命创建基础设施。

    Distributed information and communication technologies are converging with distributed renewable energies , creating the infrastructure for a third industrial revolution .

  19. 其它方面的障碍源自建筑物的设计,比如学校和工作场所,还源自信息和通讯技术的设计。

    Other barriers arise from the design of buildings , such as schools and workplaces , and of information and communication technologies .

  20. 信息和通讯技术的发展特别是无线通讯技术的飞速发展为实现远程监护提供了必要的条件。

    The rapid development of information technology and communication , especially the improvement of mobile communication makes it possible to realize remote ECG monitoring .

  21. 缺乏电脑和宽带网络限制了非洲学校和学生跟上信息和通讯技术进展的能力。

    Lack of computers and bandwidth limits the ability of African schools and students to leap ahead with advances in information and communication technologies .

  22. 此外,该委员会将寻找方法利用信息和通讯技术来创建卫生信息能力。

    In addition , the Commission will be looking at ways to take advantage of information and communication technologies to build health information capacity .

  23. 世界卫生大会注意到信息和通讯技术发展的潜在影响,通过了一项决议,鼓励在电子卫生保健方面开展更多工作。

    Noting the potential impact of advances in information and communication technologies , the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution encouraging more work on eHealth .

  24. 基础设施包括工厂、车间、工具和设备、支持性服务、信息和通讯技术以及运输设施等。

    The infrastructure includes resources such as plant , workspace , tools and equipment , support services , information and communication technology , and transport facilities .

  25. 每一项原则都阐明了在信息和通讯技术领域的政策和监管上所采取的做法。该做法在美国和欧盟被广泛使用。

    Each of the principles expresses an approach to policy and regulation in the ICT sector that is broadly shared by the United States and the EU .

  26. 我们运用信息和通讯技术的力量,努力支持学校卫生工作,支持非正规和非正式学习。

    We work to support school health programmes , as well as informal and non-formal learning , and by mobilizing the power of information and communication technologies .

  27. 在知识社会里发展中国家的图书馆如果将充分利用信息和通讯技术并且鼓励积极参予,那么在它们应该集中什么区域?

    What areas should libraries in developing countries concentrate on if they are to take advantage of information and communications technologies and encourage active participation in the knowledge society ?

  28. 在信息和通讯技术飞速发展的信息时代,电子政府已成为各国政府行政体制改革的必然选择。

    At the age of information and communication technique developing at very fast speed , e-government comes into an inevitable select to many countries ' government to innovate administration system .

  29. 接着分析信息和通讯技术的发展对中央银行中介目标的影响,研究中央银行是否能够有效的控制短期操作目标。

    Finally analyze the impacts of development of information and communication technology on intermediary targets of central banks , consider that whether central banks have the ability to control short-term operating target .

  30. 人类社会正在经历着一场大的转变,即从第一次工业革命时代开始的以材料和能源为基础的民族国家的工业社会,向以信息和通讯技术为基础的超越民族国家的信息化社会转变。

    Now , human society are having been experiencing a big change & from first industry revolution with the basis of material and energy to the information society based information and communication technology .