
  • 网络Credit Activities
  1. 没有秩序良好、充满活力的信用活动,没有人与人之间普遍的信任,显然谈不上社会和谐。

    Without active credit activities in good order , without common trust between individuals , there is no social harmony .

  2. 现代服务业集群发展:金融企业集聚与金融信用活动&以上海市为例

    Cluster Development of Modern Service Industry : Financial Enterprise Convergency and Financial Credit Activities & Taking Shanghai as an Example

  3. 应收账款是企业在信用活动中形成的债权性的资产。

    Account receivable is credit assets of enterprises .

  4. 作为经济活动重要组成部分的银行客户信用活动,其风险性也不例外。

    As an important part , the credit risk from the bank clients is of no exception .

  5. 而从信用活动一开始,信用风险就一直如影随形。

    And with the credit activity coming into being , credit risk is always closely associated with it .

  6. 消费信贷作为一种信用活动,它不可避免的与风险相生相伴。

    As one of the credit activity , inevitably consume credit was followed by the risk all the way .

  7. 票据是商品经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是在商品交换和信用活动中产生和发展的。

    Notes came into being in the definite phase of the development of commodity economy , and developed with commodity exchanges and credit activities .

  8. 这不仅表明市场经济条件下信用活动具有重要地位,而且反映了人类一般的伦理道德要求。

    This not only shows the importance of the credit activities in the market economy , but also the standard moral principles of human beings .

  9. 最后从政府也是社会信用活动参与者的角度出发,论证了政府守信和相关约束监督机制。

    Finally , it expatiates on the significance of the abidance of government credit and related restrictive mechanism by stating that government is also a participant of social credit activities .

  10. 以市场化和产业化为导向的农业转型发展,要求广泛而有效率的信用活动和金融运行,以保障持续增加的资本投入和金融资源的有效配置。

    Extensive and efficient credit activities and financial operations are necessary in market and industry oriented agricultural transitory development so as to guarantee the sustainable growth of capital input and the effective allocation of financial resources .

  11. 信用活动范围经历了由熟人到陌生人,再到跨地区、跨国界的演变;相关主体既有组织化的趋势也有职能的分化,并最终出现了完整的信用产业链条。

    The range of credit activities has developed and changed from between acquaintances to between strangers , to between districts and nations . During the relative principles , there is organized tendencies and functional division . In the end , we have complete credit industry line .

  12. BarryZane指出,诚信国家信息服务(FidelityNationalInformationServices)已经与信用卡活动相关联,从而检测新的欺诈方法。

    Barry Zane noted that Fidelity National Information Services are correlating credit card activities to detect new methods of fraud .

  13. 在这部份本文采用了比较法的分析思路。第二,围绕这个权利,个人信用征信活动中应有什么样的制度安排,以便确保权利的实现。

    Secondly , according to the rights , what system should be set up to realize the rights in private credit information collection .

  14. 企业信用评估活动应当遵循市场经济的规律,按照独立、公正和审慎的原则开展活动。

    The credit evaluation institution shall conduct evaluations in accordance with the law of market economy and the principles of independence , just and prudence .

  15. 因此伪造文件者处死;伪钞及伪造文件组在打击伪造信用卡活动、伪钞和非法入境者使用伪造旅游证件方面再创佳绩。

    The Counterfeit and Forgery Division had another successful year in combating counterfeit credit card activity , the counterfeiting of currency and the use of forged travel documents by illegal immigrants .

  16. 民间自发的制度演化与政府主持的制度演化明代的牙行居间是民间自发形成的具有交易代理性质的商业信用运营活动。

    The mediacy of broker house of the Ming Dynasty was a commercial credit running activity which came into being spontaneously among the nongovernmental people , and had characteristic of bargaining agent .

  17. 信用评级活动有利于节约交易成本、促进交易效率、降低交易风险,对投资者、融资主体、政府监管部门有着重要的意义。

    Credit rating activities are conducive to saving transaction costs , promoting trade efficiency and reducing transaction risks . Credit rating activities are also important to investors , financing body and government regulators .

  18. 在美国,影子银行是指游离于传统商业银行体系以外的,从事与银行相类似的信用中介活动,但却不受监管或几乎不受监管的金融实体。

    In the United State , Shadow banking refers to the financial entities that pursue credit intermediation like banking but is outside of the scope of the commercial banks and is unregulated or hardly regulated .

  19. 所以说,研究中小企业信用担保活动中的信用风险机制,有效地防范和控制信用风险,是我国中小企业信用担保持续健康发展的关键。

    Therefore , it is the key to the sustainable and healthily development of Chinese credit guarantee for the MSSE that we shall research the mechanism of credit risk in the activity of the credit guarantee for the MSSE , effectively guard and control the credit risk .

  20. 以其他方法进行信用证诈骗活动的。

    Carrying out fraudulent activities with letters of credit in other ways .

  21. 信用合作社的活动刚才开始。

    Credit co-operatives have just started functioning .

  22. 但随之而来的信用卡诈骗活动也逐渐猖獗,而且呈现出多样化、现代化、复杂化的特点。

    But following credit card fraud also gradually rampant , and displays diverse , modernization and complicated characteristics .

  23. 信贷风险是指运用信用工具从事信用活动时,信用工具的本金与收益遭受损失的可能性。

    Credit risk is the possibility of loss related to credit instrument .

  24. 营造诚信环境打造诚信品牌&食品安全信用体系建设宣传活动在京举行

    Building Good Faith Environment , Making Good Faith Brand

  25. 同时,良好的信用既是企业经济活动的前提和基础,也是企业成功的必备要素。

    Meanwhile , good credit is the premise and foundation of enterprise economic activity , and is also an essential element of business success .

  26. 信用卡市场促销活动得失浅析&以××银行双币种信用卡为例

    Analysis on the Gain and Loss of Credit Card Market Sales Promoting & Based on the Case Study of Double Currency Type of ×× Bank

  27. 由此可知,犯罪分子利用信用卡从事诈骗活动越来越猖獗,给社会造成的损失也越来越大。

    It can be seen engaged in fraudulent use of credit cards criminal activities have become more rampant , the loss to society is also growing .

  28. 市场经济又被称为信用经济,信用活动无处不在,并与经济发展水平密切相关。

    Credit action lie in everywhere in the market economy that is claimed credit economy also , and tightly contact with the level of economy development .

  29. 英国政府高级官员昨天表示,国际网络犯罪分子通过工业间谍和信用卡欺诈等活动,令英国经济每年损失“数十亿英镑”。

    International cyber criminals are costing the British economy " billions of pounds " every year through activities such as industrial espionage and credit card fraud , senior Whitehall officials admitted yesterday .

  30. 影子银行体系是指一般银行之外的信用媒介主体及其活动,它为市场主体提供了更多融资选择,具有一定的积极作用。

    Shadow Banking System refers to the fiduciary media topic and relative activities , excluding those in ordinary banks . Providing the market topic with more choices of financing , it acts as a positive role .