
  1. 然而,非正规金融的健康发展需要一个完善的信用服务体系为其提供支撑。

    However , the healthy development of informal financial needs the support of the credit service system .

  2. 征信是社会信用服务体系的核心和基础,是市场经济走向成熟的标志。

    Social credit system is the base and core of social credit system , and also the symbol of market economy maturing .

  3. 应针对出口企业外部信用服务体系缺乏、出口企业之间恶性竞争、企业内部风险管理不善等主要因素,从强化出口企业风险管理内部控制、加强外部信用环境建设等多方面入手,规避出口信用风险。

    Should aiming at primary factors of lack of exterior credit system , the malignant competition among exportation enterprises and the bad credit risk management , strengthen internal control and exterior credit constructions and so on to avoid exportation credit risk .

  4. 第六章是金融领域信用信息服务体系运行机制。

    Chapter six is operating mechanism of credit information service system in financial area .

  5. 建立完善的信用信息服务体系是社会信用体系建设的首要问题。

    Establishing a sound credit information service system is the chief task of establishing social credit system .

  6. 信用信息服务体系构建需坚持系统组织、需求导向、相对最优和权益保护等基本原则。

    Credit information service construction should insist on the principles of organization systematically , demand-drived , relative optimum and rights protection .

  7. 并从制度体系、组织体系、技术体系和管理体系等方面构建了信用信息服务体系框架。

    Then the system framework of credit information service was constructed on base of institution system , organization system , technology system and management system .

  8. 阐述了信用信息服务体系创新的基本流程,将创新大体上分为信号识别、创新决策以及具体实施三个阶段,并对每个阶段的具体任务进行了描述。

    Then this paper elaborated the basic process of credit information service innovation and divided the innovation into signal recognition , innovation decision and implementation .

  9. 指出信用信息服务体系的构建与形成主要通过行政引导与市场推动两种发展模式,提出了信用信息服务的发展动力模型。

    This paper pointed that the formation and construction of credit information service were mainly by administration guide and market drive and gave the dynamic model of credit information service .

  10. 所有制歧视、信用和担保服务体系建设落后、企业治理结构不完善、金融体制改革不深入、融资制度安排不合理、直接融资渠道不畅等是其融资难的特殊原因。

    The special causes are the un - advanced development of credit and guarantee service system , the un - ideal arrangement of financial system and the direct financial .

  11. 归纳总结我国网络信用信息服务的内容体系,主要有信息来源渠道、主要内容等。

    Summarize our country network credit information service content system , mainly has the information source , main content , type and so on .

  12. 或与政府建立的公共信用信息登记系统相得益彰,互相补充,共同构成完善的信用服务体系。

    Credit agency adopts market-based management , competes sufficiently and freely , or complements mutually with Pubic Credit Registry ( PCR ) system and form perfect credit service system together .

  13. 一个国家的信用经济能够正常运转,需要有一套系统、完善的信用服务体系。

    There should be a perfect , complete credit service system to sustain the country 's credit economy run well .

  14. 信用信息服务行业的成熟程度体现了信用经济发展的程度,信用信息服务行业的发展是国家信用服务体系中极为重要的一环。

    The mature of the credit information service industries reflects the developed degree of credit economic , the development of the credit information service industries plays a very important role in the national credit service system .

  15. 为了更好地促进民营企业的信用建设,迫切需要从社会氛围、法制建设、民企业主素质、产权制度、内部信用管理、信用服务体系等方面加以改进和完善。

    We must make improvement in the aspects of social environment , construction of law and institution , institution of property right , internal credit management , service system of credit and others to promote the construction of credit of the private enterprise .