
xìn yòng fāng shì
  • form of credit
  1. 对赊欠经营所涉及的理论作了探讨,指出赊欠经营本质上是一种信用方式,作为一种相互联系机制能节约双方的交易成本;

    By studying , the theory relate to the credit operation , we point out it in nature is form of credit and it can saving transaction cost to both side .

  2. 作为地方政府通过信用方式为基础设施项目筹资的有效工具,市政债券在西方国家工业化和城市化之初,发挥了功不可没的作用。

    As an effective financing tool for infrastructure projects , municipal bonds played an important role at the beginning of industrialization and urbanization in Western countries .

  3. 文章最后一部分以小额信贷为分析对象,通过理性和实例分析认为,小额信贷是当前能取代农村高利贷的可行性信用方式。

    The last part of the article regards " grameen bank " as an object of analysis and considers that " grameen bank " is feasible credit mode which can replace countryside usury .

  4. 在经济发达的国家,其企业在日常交易活动中通常倾向于选择以商业信用方式进行结算。

    In economically developed countries , its business in the ordinary course of trading activities usually tend to be settled by trade credit , to maintain a close credit relationship is to promote the foundation for the development of social credit .

  5. 并指出了农村非正规金融存在的主要问题,包括非正规金融运作制度不规范、无担保和抵押的信用方式、利率较高、无政府监管以及削弱了国家宏观经济政策效果。

    And points out the main issues of informal finance , including that the operation of informal finance system is not standardized , unsecured credit , high interest rates and beyond the supervision of government and undermine the effectiveness of national macroeconomic policies .

  6. 在当地,B方代表A方支付的成本费以信用证方式偿付,该费用也应开具发票。

    A credit for reimbursement of Costs paid by Party B locally on behalf of Party A will also be applied to the invoice .

  7. 我会按惯例以不可撤销信用证方式付款。

    I 'll pay by irrevocable letter of credit , as usual .

  8. 信用证方式下的欺诈及其防范

    The Fraud and its Precaution in Terms of the Letter of Credit

  9. 如何防范信用证方式下的风险

    How to Prevent the Risks under the Mode of the Letter of Credit

  10. 合会是我国一种古老的民间信用互助方式。

    The united society was an ancient credit mutual help mode in our country .

  11. 国际贸易发展与商业信用交易方式

    International Trade Development and commercial credit

  12. 既然这是您首次订货,可否请您用信用证方式付款?

    As it is your first order , could you please make payment by letter of credit ?

  13. 出口企业为扩大出口规模和市场占有率,纷纷采用商业信用结算方式出口货物。

    In order to expand the export scale and market share , our exporting enterprises usually adopt the settlement of commercial credit .

  14. 在当前激烈的市场竞争条件下,采用信用销售方式和优惠的结算方式对企业来说十分重要。

    In order to meet the requirement of market competition , It is very important to apply credit business and favorite clearing form .

  15. 信息共享的信用局方式可以通过银行支付一定的成本,确保银行之间的相互信任,从而使得信息共享能够实现。

    Credit bureau of information sharing can pay certain cost through bank , which ensures the inter-trust among banks , can realize information sharing .

  16. 除了预付款和技术服务费外,合同总价以不可撤销的信用证方式支付。

    The total contract price , except the advance payment and the technical service fee , shall be paid by irrevocable letter of credit .

  17. 作为一项在信用销售方式下生成的新型综合性融资结算方式,保理业务为满足中小企业融资需求提供了新思路。

    As a new comprehensive financing and settlement method , factoring is a new suitable method to meet the financing need of the SMEs .

  18. 在保理业务发展的比较充分的的欧盟内部,80%以上的进出口业务都是采用非信用证方式结算。

    In the development of factoring interior , more than 80 % of the import and export business are using the letter of credit settlement .

  19. 世界各国为解决中小企业融资难所普遍采用的一种金融支持模式是信用担保方式。

    In order to solve the financing difficulties of SME , the common financial support mode employed by the countries all over the world is credit guarantee .

  20. 据统计,目前以信用证方式结算的贸易额占世界贸易总额的90%,占我国对外贸易额的80%以上。

    Statistics show that 90 % of the world 's trade , and over 80 % of China 's foreign trade is paid in letter of credit .

  21. 合同价格要根据承包人要求,在议付银行以不可撤销的信用证方式用美元支付。

    The part of the contract price shall be paid in USD by way of an irrevocable Letter of Credit against presentation by Contractor to the negotiable bank .

  22. 克服和超越了由于多年手工信用管理方式造成的信息度量不规范、信用等级凭印象的局限性。

    It overcomes several years'limitation that the credit grade was judged by impression and criterion was optional and unifies credit criterion and makes the request of credit policy flexible .

  23. 传统的物权担保方式和信用担保方式自身无法克服的缺点日益显露,滞后于国际经济交易需要。

    Hence , the traditional real right guarantee and credit guarantee , whose shortcomings are unable to be overcome , lag behind the international economic transaction need day by day .

  24. 信用证方式是随着国际贸易的发展、银行参与国际结算的过程而逐步形成的一种贸易结算方式。

    Letter of credit ( LC ) settlement is a trade settlement mode that gradually formed with the development of international trade and in the process of banks'participating in international settlement .

  25. 请注意,上述订单的货款经双方同意是以即期信用证方式支付,而信用证必须在收到我们销货确认后2星期内开出。

    ease note that , as agreed , the terms of payment for the above order are sight Letter of Credit established within 2 weeks upon the arrival of our Sales Confirmation .

  26. 应收账款是企业较常用的一种商业信用促销方式,若其长期挂账不能及时收回,便会影响企业经营效益。

    Receivable account is a common enterprise business credit promotion way , and if it stays in the account and can not be claimed back , it surely will influence the enterprise business benefit .

  27. 随着信用交易方式在全球范围的急剧扩张,全球的企业及金融机构面临的信用风险也随之增大,由此带来的后果将给经济造成极其严重的创伤,信用风险越来越为相关机构所重视。

    With the ever-expanding credit in the worldwide , the credit risk which many enterprises and financial institutions from all countries face is also increasing in the meantime . It will bring extremely serious consequences on economy .

  28. 另一个就是欧盟委员会(EC)对银行的信用衍生品交易方式开刀。

    The other was the European Commission 's assault on how banks trade credit derivatives .

  29. 特别是建立政策性银行全资子公司SPV的设想和基于实物期权的信用增级方式的设计。

    It especially visualizes setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary of policy bank and designs credit enhancement based on real options .

  30. 提出基于极限思想的Vague集记分函数和相似度,并用改进的Vague集群决策方法对我国建筑业企业信用信息共享方式进行选择。

    Vague group decision making method whose score function and similarity degree are modified with limit thought is introduced into the optimal path selection of construction enterprises credit information sharing .