
  • 网络credit spread
  1. 主权信用息差将受孤注一掷的收尾政策左右,股票和企业债券的风险息差也将步其后尘,尽管当前企业处于上升趋势,总体状况良好。

    Sovereign credit spreads will be subject to rather desperate policy endgames and equity and corporate bond risk spreads will follow in line , despite the overall health of the corporate sector in the current upturn .

  2. 美国圣地亚哥大学(sandiegouniversity)法学教授弗兰克帕特洛伊(frankpartnoy)辩称,评价投资风险的另一种市场机制是信用违约互换息差(事实证明,这比评级更准确地预测了即将来临的违约)。

    Frank Partnoy , a law professor at San Diego University , argues that there is an alternative market mechanism for judging risky investments in credit default swap spreads ( which have proved better predictors of forthcoming defaults than ratings ) .

  3. 债券市场甚至走强,英国主权债务的信用违约互换息差收窄了7个基点。

    Bond markets even rose , while credit default swaps on UK sovereign debt tightened 7 basis points .

  4. 如果这真是一场典型的新兴市场危机,本应是债券大幅下挫,信用违约互换息差急剧扩大,汇率暴跌。

    If this was a classic emerging market crisis , bonds would have dived , credit default swap spreads exploded , and the currency collapsed .