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  1. The Tusi System of China had a long history , whose existence has its rationality because it was the possible best ethnic policy in ancient China .


  2. In the long feudal society , this region enjoyed a special relationship with the central government , which has formed the special Tusi cultures .


  3. Tusi culture is reach in content with various forms .


  4. In the Han dynasty , Tusi system was established in the minority areas of Yunnan and the nobles as the upper class possessed great power .


  5. Tusi system is a special political system that implemented by the feudal dynasties , such as Yuan , Ming and early Qing , in the south national minority areas .


  6. A contrast between William Faulkner 's Benjy and the second son of Tusi might demonstrate the uniqueness of the " idiot " perspective and the solemnity in literary creation .


  7. After the Ming and Qing dynasties , the Tusi ( Headman ) system and feudal system developed so powerfully that the governmental orders could not be performed , which is a serious threat to the administration over southwest frontier .


  8. Anyone ... although that Sam Tusi , he rocks , anyone can enjoy the purpose of note writing now and duration of fame has been lengthened for many world-hold-breath fifty minutes to good fifteen months if you are willing to do certain things on camera .
