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  • 网络英国工会联合会;英国工会联盟;英国总工会;英国劳工联合会议;联盟


Trades Union Congress . The TUC is an organization to which many British trade/labor unions belong.

  1. But , for all Browne 's passion and the TUC 's call for practicality , can shorts really be worn with confidence in the office ?


  2. But Brendan barber , TUC general secretary , warned that many bosses take such hard work for granted .


  3. TUC begins with a dialogue between a doctor and TB patient .


  4. The TUC says nearly five million people in Britain do unpaid overtime on a regular basis .


  5. Treasury figures showed migrant workers were responsible for about 10 per cent of economic growth , said the TUC .


  6. Employment laws such as the minimum wage should be properly enforced and agency workers given better protection , said the TUC .


  7. It was started in 2005 by Britain 's organization of labour unions the Trade Union Congress ( TUC ) .


  8. The TUC website has a quiz so you can decide if you are working too many extra hours for no pay .


  9. The TUC has coined the phrase " Burnout Britain " to describe the long-hours working culture .


  10. The latest TUC survey reported that more than three million workers fear they will lose their job in the next year because of the economic slowdown .


  11. With the rise of remote working , the TUC said there could be an increase in the number of people at home but on call during the Christmas period .


  12. Frances O'Grady , the general secretary of the TUC , said the rate increases go " nowhere near enough to end in-work poverty " 。


  13. With the rise of remote working , the TUC said there could be an increase in the number of people at home but " on call " during the Christmas period .


  14. The TUC need to get real , stop using overtly sexist tactics by discussing women 's stilettos to divert tension away from Labour chaos .


  15. The TUC said remuneration for directors of FTSE 100 companies had risen by 105 percentage points more than the rise in the retail price index since 2000 .


  16. This week 's Trades Union Congress ( TUC ), an annual gathering of organized labor , was a cacophony of truculence .


  17. In the past decade alone the number has increased by about 6 00000 , said the TUC . Many are from Eastern European countries that joined the European Union in 2004 .


  18. According to the TUC , the number of people who worked on 25 December rose by 78 % between 2004 and 2010 ( the most recent years for which figures are available ) .


  19. Using figures from the Office for National Statistics " surveys and data , the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) estimated that a further 1.8 million people would like to work from home if they could .


  20. The TUC said unemployment was growing more than twice as fast in some regions than in others , and the economy could take three years to recover if the patterns of previous recessions were repeated .


  21. It is understood that the face-to-face talks at the TUC headquarters in London started badly yesterday morning when Walsh submitted a new offer that was flatly rejected by Woodley .


  22. By establishing networked financial control information system and perfecting " four-in-one " financial control system of shareholders ' meeting , board of directors , board of supervisors and TUC , co-governance type financial control will be realized finally .


  23. Others will have decided that they are no longer likely to start a family , so they will concentrate on work instead . But Brendan Barber , TUC general secretary , warned that many bosses take such hard work for granted .


  24. Brendan Barber , the TUC general secretary , says : " Youth unemployment is at its highest rate for 15 years . Unemployment leaves a permanent scar on young people 's lives and the government must do all it can to stop joblessness blighting another generation . "


  25. Nuttall has written to Brendan Barber , general secretary of the TUC , urging unions to help raise awareness of the risks for workers , including those such as meter readers , taxi drivers and even sales reps who don 't regard their job as being outdoors .
