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  • n.流星锤(捕牛时使用的);两端系有铅坠的绳子(等于 bolas);牛白细胞抗原;套索;而将流星锤;流星锤


a rope with weights attached to the ends;is thrown to entangle the legs of an animal;of South American origin
a cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktie
Synonym: bolo tie bolo bola tie


  1. Throwing a bola requires more skill , and works by entangling the bird in the spinning ropes .


  2. BoLA in Research Progress of Breeding for Disease Resistance in Bovine


  3. The antigen distribution of the BoLA and the value of its application to animal production in China were also discussed .


  4. Still , he said , he has finally found time to read all of Mr. Bola ñ o 's novel .


  5. After all , this is their own algorithms in Bola , has not see concrete implementation of the provisions .


  6. The insurers use this BOLA to assess how liable each party is in the event of an accident .


  7. Not a bit of it , posits Bola ñ o.


  8. It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement .


  9. At the Goodman , they saw two plays and heard about Mr. Falls 's long-brewing plans for Mr. Bola ñ o 's novel .


  10. Bola Yomm fell ill because of the contaminated air , but the bungling Koong also managed to poison himself .


  11. The location seemed a little daunting on paper , but once we were there it was no problem at all to find our way between Bola Bola and the tourist attractions .


  12. In 2006 , Enrique Bola ñ os , then president of Nicaragua , also sought to revive the plan when the Panama Canal was close to capacity .


  13. It included seven pueblos , the fabled Seven Cities of C í bola , which were sought by the earliest Spanish explorers for their supposed riches .


  14. In 2006 , Enrique Bola & # 241 ; os , then president of Nicaragua , also sought to revive the plan when the Panama Canal was close to capacity .


  15. There was a little walk between the station and Bola Bola , but it 's a nice , quiet area , and we made our way there easily with help from the maps on the website .


  16. " I respect this club because they wanted me from Juventus , but I am not here to earn money without playing ," the former Perugia and Fiorentina man told newspaper A Bola .


  17. This means the synergism in the bolaamphiphile / SDS mixed system is mainly caused by the electrostatic interaction between the hydrophilic head group , but not apparently affected by the hydrophobic part of the bola molecules .


  18. Other midwives , like Bola Babadele , the chief of nursing at Abuja 's National Hospital , say basic development problems across Nigeria , like lack of running water in many villages , makes the job difficult and sometimes even dangerous .


  19. A very popular young rock star in the90s in Brazil , Rodolfo Abrantes , has converted himself to Bola de Neve and is currently one of its more powerful non-official speakers .


  20. Not Bola ñ o - for him , literature is an unnervingly protean , amoral force with uncanny powers of self-invention , self-justification and self-mythification .


  21. Substitute , say , " language poetry " for " fascism " and the trajectory of these invented lives would be much the same as they are for the busy networks of real writers Bola ñ o knew from the inside out .


  22. Bola o was a writer with tricks up his sleeve , and he distributed his wiles across many genres : novellas , poetry , short stories , essays and the epic 1100-page " 2666 " .


  23. All that is required is patience , as these beautiful , shimmering homages to the Cocteau Twins and Bola unfold at their own pace , in their own time , revealing secrets upon repeated listening .


  24. Moreover , literature , Bola ñ o writes , " is a surreptitious form of violence , a passport to respectability , and can , in certain young and sensitive nations , disguise the social climber 's origins . "


  25. In1977 Bola ñ o moved to Europe and misspent an entire decade there as an itinerant laborer , living the life of a po è te maudit and striking up an acquaintance with heroin .


  26. In the face of political repression , upheaval and danger , writers continue to swoon over the written word , and this , for Bola & # 241 ; o , is the source both of nobility and of pitch-black humor .


  27. As if he were Borges 's wisecracking , sardonic son , Bola ñ o has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litt é rateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty , truth and great lost hope .
