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  • 网络人类基因组计划;人类基因组
  1. Enlightenment of HGP 's Research Method on Contemporary Scientific Research


  2. The Virtue - Ethical Analysis and the Countermeasure of the HGP


  3. The study of HGP greatly increases people 's knowledge about disease .


  4. It is an important and necessary work to analyze the information from HGP research .


  5. Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is a great research project in life science history .


  6. The development of American bio - medicine technique driven by HGP and Its Inspiration


  7. Human Genome Project ( HGP ) displays us the vast foreground in human genetics .


  8. Human Genome Project ( HGP ) has great influence on the human life , but it 's influence is limited .


  9. Why Map a Human Impact of Human Genome Project on Human Society 10th Anniversary Celebration of HGP


  10. Protemics has become a hot spot in current biomedicine after the project HGP .


  11. The human genome project ( HGP ) is put forward in order to have a more profound understand of human itself .


  12. With the further advance of the HGP , life science and biotechnology will enter a new era in the new century .


  13. The comprehensive finish of Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is indubitably a milestone of development of scientific history .


  14. The Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is a sign that we have entered an omic era in molecular biology field .


  15. With the accomplishment of HGP and rapid development of molecular genetics , much more progress has been made in the study of genodermatoses .


  16. HGP and other sequencing projects bring explosive accumulation of biological sequences , which leads that traditional experimental methods can not meet the demand at all .


  17. With insights into the function of Human Genome Project ( HGP ), the post-genomic era based on the functional genomics and proteomics researches has already come .


  18. With the genetic information of community and individual that 's revealed by HGP , the relationship between the gene identification and the secrets of human genome is imminent .


  19. Therefore , how to form objective , fair opinion of the HGP and how to guide it for the sake of mankind are the purpose of this essay .


  20. Main propertiesSeries of HGP roller screen is a kind of equipment which has materiel move forward by using of multi-shaft rotating with same speed and direction .


  21. Progress in human genome project ( HGP ) and the application of molecular genetics in the study of glaucoma has leaded to an important progress in the understanding of etiology of glaucoma .


  22. The human genome project ( HGP ) is one of the most magnificent bioscience programs which make humankind understand the essence of itself as well as life , health and diseases at molecular level .


  23. With AD-Based HGP the tolerance range of the target circuit can be set in accordance with the Active Deviation range , this is very flexible to change the tolerance range in the design process .


  24. Because of the driving force of HGP , the world 's largest information technology company joined the efforts in genetic research and brought more computer technology to genomics , which would help create new approaches in life science .


  25. While Dr Venter was patenting every step of the way , the HGP was trying to ensure the genome remained in the public domain as part of the common heritage of humanity .


  26. As a parallel part of human genome project ( HGP ), the DNA sequencing of entire genome of mouse has been completed , which reveals that there is a high genetic similarity between mouse and human .


  27. The Human Genome Project ( HGP ), a marvelous science approach to human biology , is attempting to elucidate the structure and constituent of human genome , and to decipher the sequence of DNA .


  28. The improvement of life science has been changing with each passing day , when the Genomics , Proteomics , Metabolomics , Bioinformatics , especially for the completion of human genome project ( HGP ) .


  29. With the success of Human Genome Project ( HGP ), more and more research interests in the field of life science have been turned to the function , expression and regulation of genes , the relationship among genes and environments .


  30. Genotyping and location of genes associated with the hereditary diseases are the main part of HGP . Because of their high incidence and serious endangerment , they have become the focus of researches on hereditary diseases .
