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  • 网络高钙粉煤灰
  1. The results of 9 piglets of HCFA and RT PCR were positive .


  2. When taken in concrete with proper quantity , HCFA can compensate the drying shrinkage of concrete , and accordingly reduce the cracking risk of concrete .


  3. However , the average pore radius decreases remarkably with increase in the age , and therefore the reduction of compressive strength caused by HCFA becomes much less .


  4. The essential performance of high calcium fly ash ( HCFA ) was summarized , and correlate researches of HCFA were reviewed together with a great deal of examples in this paper .


  5. The Portland cement and high calcium fly ash samples ( shortened form P.C. and HCFA ) which have different particle size distributions were mixed in a proportion of 50:50 % . The mortar strength of HCFA cement in 3 and 28 days were tested .
