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  • 网络通信控制器
  1. Survey Analysis on the Quality of the Graduates of QMC


  2. The main advantage of QMC methods over MC methods is increased computational speed .


  3. This paper presents the hardware design for an ISDN Multi BRI device using PCI bus technology and QMC .


  4. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are shown by numerical examples . Therefore , the QMC method would seem to qualify as a comprehensive tool in structural reliability analysis .


  5. While Monte Carlo ( MC ) methods are based on random sampling , Quasi-Monte Carlo ( QMC ) methods use deterministically chosen points known as low discrepancy sequences .


  6. Different from other QMC methods which can only deal with the ground situation , PIMC can simulate the system in finite temperature on the quantum level and calculate the thermal dynamical averages .


  7. The rest of this paper is organized as follows . Chapter 3 applies the method in Chapter 2 into two-stage stochastic programs with recourse , generating the observations by Monte-Carlo ( MC ) method or by Quasi Monte-Carlo ( QMC ) method respectively .


  8. After expatiating upon the works machine of SCCs interface and QMC protocol , this paper introduce the basic method of designing to implement the QMC protocol in one SCC and it 's implementing process , at the last we give the designing process of the main functions .
