首页 / 词典 / good


  • n.先生;阁下


used as an Italian courtesy title;can be prefixed to the name or used separately
Synonym: signior


  1. Signor Amato 's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies .


  2. Signor casanova , this seems to be another case of mistaken identity .


  3. The sound had not yet died away when Signor Pastrini himself entered .


  4. Now , Signor kracklite , would you lie on your left side , please ?


  5. " A wealthy signor , who travels for his pleasure . "


  6. You must try some artichokes while you are here , Signor Milo , we grow the best in the world .


  7. Giovanni ! Signor Papprizzio is expected at any moment .


  8. On the other hand , there is you , Signor casanova .


  9. Signor bonini welcomed them in his heavily accented english .


  10. Signor Vitelli held up a hand .


  11. Then he sent his card to Signor pastrini , and asked for Albert de morcerf .


  12. It 's Signor Donato from across the canal .


  13. Signor Pastrini informed them that business had called him to civita vecchia .


  14. Exclaimed albert ," come , come , Signor pastrini , no joking ; we must have a carriage . "


  15. " And you say that Signor Vampa exercises his profession at this moment in the environs of rome ?"


  16. On the staircase he met Signor pastrini .


  17. Signor Pastrini remained silent a short time ; it was evident that he was musing over this answer , which did not seem very clear .


  18. Of course , the signor meant_headlong_ !


  19. Is this the palazzo of Signor Casanova ?


  20. The two friends did not venture to return the count the breakfast he had given them ; it would have been too absurd to offer him in exchange for his excellent table the very inferior one of Signor pastrini .


  21. The US detective rate was 86.2 % ( 25 / 29 ) . Sonogram appeared Sham kidney signor target sign , Indirect signs including gastrointestinal obstruction , dilatation of biliary duct and infiltration or metastasis were found .


  22. " I say , that when a thing completely surpasses my comprehension , I am accustomed not to dwell on that thing , but to pass to another , and is supper ready , Signor pastrini ?"


  23. Renee : I 'm back , rudolfo . Please tell signor cipriani I always stay in that suite when I visit venice , and if it 's not available , I 'll be very unhappy .


  24. " You tell me ," said franz , at the moment Signor Pastrini was about to open his mouth ," that you knew Luigi Vampa when he was a child & he is still a young man , then ?"


  25. " Do you know , Signor pastrini ," said albert , lighting a second cigar at the first ," that this practice is very convenient for bandits , and that it seems to be due to an arrangement of their own . "


  26. Franz questioned Albert as to his intentions ; but Albert had great projects to put into execution before going to the theatre ; and instead of making any answer , he inquired if Signor Pastrini could procure him a tailor .


  27. No ; he merely came and freed me from the hands of Signor Vampa , where , I can assure you , in spite of all my outward appearance of ease and unconcern , I did not very particularly care to remain .


  28. When he died at the age of eighty , the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a picture which was dedicated to the memeory of ' the most valiant soldier and most notable leader , Signor Giovanni Haukodue ' .
