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United States virologist who developed the Salk vaccine that is injected against poliomyelitis (born 1914)
Synonym: Jonas Salk Jonas Edward Salk


  1. The Salk Institute won 't mind ? No.


  2. The pantheon of science includes individuals who have made enormous contributions to human health & the likes of Pasteur and Salk .


  3. method Jonas Salk found a new method of teaching music .


  4. Jonas Salk found a new method of teaching music .


  5. The Salk study adds on more job to an already long list .


  6. The Salk Institute has two structures that surround a marble garden area or courtyard .


  7. Likely to cause an epidemic disease . Salk vaccine is a " killed " vaccine .


  8. Louis I Kahn successfully realized this kind of transformation in all his architecture after Salk College .


  9. There was a wonderful quote by Jonas Salk , who said ,


  10. Salk Vaccine for AIDS


  11. Researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego and elsewhere began experimenting with the eating patterns of laboratory mice in a previous study .


  12. In addition we obtained the mutant inserted in the corresponding site form the SALK library , and got three overexpression mutants in different strains by genetic transformation . 2 .


  13. But in1998 , scientists at the Sweden and the Salk Institute in La Jolla , California discovered that brain cells in mature humans can regenerate .


  14. Researcher Dave Schubert from the Salk Institute in San Diego has been looking at turmeric , a spice that 's commonly used , particularly in South Asia .


  15. However , researchers at the Salk Institute claim to have landed on ' the holy grail of gene editing ' , which can delicately and smoothly cut through DNA .


  16. But according to Jun Wu , a biologist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla , California , only about 1 in 100000 cells in the fetuses were human .


  17. On the contrary , high glucose levels slowly but surely damage cells everywhere in the body , including those in the brain , said Marc Montminy of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California .


  18. Just because Jonas Salk gave away the polio vaccine for free and Craig Newmark refuses to charge for Craigslist , you don 't have to be a philanthropist too .


  19. From the beginning , San Diego had all the ingredients for success & superb research institutions , an educated workforce , and a climate that attracted scientists like Jonas Salk and Renato dutbecco .


  20. For the new study , which appeared in the journal Cell Metabolism in December , Salk scientists fed groups of adult males one of four diets : high-fat , high-fructose , high-fat and high-sucrose , and regular mouse kibble .


  21. JONAS SALK : A Life . By Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs . ( Oxford University , $ 34.95 . ) Salk 's polio vaccine brought instant celebrity , but many colleagues were resentful , this excellent biography shows .


  22. A study conducted by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California found that the brain keeps track of similar but distinct memories ( where you parked your car today , for example ) in the dentate gyrus , part of the hippocampus .
