
美 [ˈniːdɪŋ]英 [ˈniːdɪŋ]
  • v.需要;(表示应该或不得不做)有必要;必需
  • need的现在分词



  • 1
    有时用作普通动词,例如:She needs to know (她需要知道),She doesn't need to know (她不需要知道)。有时 need 用作情态动词,例如:She need know, She needn't know 或更为正式的说法:She need not know。

  • 2
    VERB (为做成某事或正常生活)要求有,必须有,需要
    If you need something, or need to do something, you cannot successfully achieve what you want or live properly without it.

    He desperately needed money...


  • 3
    VERB (表示某一做法对某事物或地方有益)应该,应当,需要
    If an object or place needs something doing to it, that action should be done to improve the object or place. If a task needs doing, it should be done to improve a particular situation.

    The building needs quite a few repairs.


  • 4
    N-SING 必要;需要
    If there is a need for something, that thing would improve a situation or something cannot happen without it.

    Mr Forrest believes there is a need for other similar schools throughout Britain...


  • 5
    MODAL 不必,没有必要(用于告知或建议)
    If you say that someone needn't do something, you are telling them not to do it, or advising or suggesting that they should not do it.

    'I'll put the key in the window.' — 'You needn't bother,' he said gruffly...


  • 6
    MODAL (与否定词连用)不必,没有必要
    If you tell someone that they needn't do something, or that something needn't happen, you are telling them that that thing is not necessary, in order to make them feel better.

    You needn't worry...


  • 7
    MODAL (与否定词连用)准许不做,可以不做
    You use needn't when you are giving someone permission not to do something.

    You needn't come again, if you don't want to...


  • 8
    MODAL (与否定词连用)未必,不一定
    If something need not be true, it is not necessarily true or not always true.

    What is right for us need not be right for others...


  • 9
    MODAL (与否定词连用)本来不必,本来不需要
    If someone needn't have done something, it was not necessary or useful for them to do it, although they did it.

    She could have made the sandwich herself; her mum needn't have bothered to do anything...


  • 10
    MODAL (与否定词连用)无需说,不必说
    You use need in expressions such as I need hardly say and I needn't add to emphasize that the person you are talking to already knows what you are going to say.

    I needn't add that if you fail to do as I ask, you will suffer the consequences.


  • 11
    MODAL 还需要再说吗;还要我继续说吗
    You can use need in expressions such as 'Need I say more' and 'Need I go on' when you want to avoid stating an obvious consequence of something you have just said.

    Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?


  • 12
    PHRASE 贫困的;困难中的
    People in need do not have enough of essential things such as money, food, or good health.

    The education authorities have to provide for children in need...


  • 13
    PHRASE 有…的需要;有…的必要
    If you are in need of something, you need it or ought to have it.

    I was all right but in need of rest...


  • 14
    PHRASE 需要的话;如有必要(英国英语中亦作 if needs be)
    If you say that you will do something, especially an extreme action, if need be, you mean that you will do if it is necessary. In British English, you can also say if needs be .

    They will now seek permission to take their case to the House of Lords, and, if need be, to the European Court of Human Rights.


  • 15
    PHRASE 没有必要;不必
    You can tell someone that there's no need for them to do something as a way of telling them not to do it or of telling them to stop doing it, for example because it is unnecessary.

    There's no need to call a doctor...


  • 16
    PHRASE 没人需要;没谁需要
    You can say 'Who needs something?' as a way of emphasizing that you think that this thing is unnecessary or not useful.

    With apologies to my old history teacher, who needs history lessons?...


  1. I quite understand you needing some time alone .


  2. The longer your child can go without needing a filling , the better .


  3. We need to take a different approach to the problem .


  4. This information is only raw data and will need further analysis .


  5. Put your hand up if you need more paper .


  6. Contact with other people is a basic human need .


  7. We need to evaluate how well the policy is working .


  8. I only need one more card to complete the set .


  9. I don 't really need to go , do I ?


  10. We need to take a more global approach to the problem .


  11. If you need anything , I am at your service .


  12. I need time to get my wind back after that run .


  13. What we need now is a change of focus .


  14. What do you need your own computer for ? You can use ours .


  15. There 's no need for you to go .


  16. If that is the case , we need more staff .


  17. If that is the case , we need more staff .


  18. You 'll need to get a suit made to measure .


  19. She had no more need of me .


  20. All you need to do is complete this form .


  21. Health care must be at the service of all who need it .


  22. We need to look to ways of improving our marketing .


  23. You need to be able to work as part of a team .


  24. We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information .


  25. How much water do you need ?


  26. We need to develop a coordinated approach to the problem .


  27. We need to design a new syllabus for the third year .


  28. You need to take the top off the bottle first !


  29. I need time to order my thoughts .


  30. You may need to give the floor a rub-down with glasspaper .
