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  • 网络二尖瓣回波描记图;马来乙烯醚
  1. Methods 2 cases of typical MVE patient were detected with D-dimmer level .


  2. Then , the paper researched several of key techniques involved in the process of awareness management realization in MVE .


  3. For more than thirty years , MVE has led the industry with industry standard setting cryopreservation technology .


  4. MVE Biological Systems is the leading supplier of products for freezing , long-term storage and distribution of biological materials .


  5. Multi-user Virtual Environment ( MVE ) with the development of virtual reality technology and network technology has been applied in many other fields .


  6. Methyl vinyl ether ( MVE ) is a useful intermediate and monomer .


  7. Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of D-dimmer for mesentery vein embolism ( MVE ) .


  8. Results When MVE onset , the D-dimmer level was 10 ~ 20 times higher than normal and positive corelation .


  9. The scheme combined the features of space interactive awareness and user dynamic interactive awareness . So the scheme can better meet the development trend of MVE .


  10. In connection with the current development needs of MVE , the paper analyzed the characteristics and limitations of the past awareness scheme and designed a kind of awareness management scheme which adapt to the new development needs .


  11. The EMG parameters such as MVE % , MF and MPF , and especially their changes during the performance were still able in indicating muscle fatigue during repetitive work , which was demonstrated further by the JASA method .


  12. [ Results ] The EMG average amplitude of the erector spinae muscles in tested subjects was in the range from 59 % MVE to 87 % MVE ( Maximum voluntary electrical activation ) when lifting MAWL symmetrically .


  13. During the study , MVE was prepared by splitting dimethylacetal ( CH3CH ( OCH3 ) 2 ) in the gaseous phase . The reaction proceeded in a continuous tubular reactor packed with solid acid catalyst . The solid acid catalyst containing calcium phosphate was prepared .
