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  • 网络拉莫三嗪;磁道组;逻辑磁道组;线路中继组;低眼压性青光眼
  1. Discussion on LTG cross flow quench air conditioning system and its control method


  2. The electrical control system and energy-saving adjusting process of Germany LTG quench air


  3. The Improvement and Practice of Dusting Equipment About Imitative LTG Type


  4. The LTG size thus created is called the variable LTG size .


  5. LTG administration did not affect differentiation ratio of newborn neurons after epilepsy .


  6. The output gives the LTG size in KB , as shown in example below .


  7. The results showed LTG were controlled by a number of mini-effect QTL .


  8. LTG in indica cultivars was higher than that in japonica .


  9. Conclusion LTG is a effective medicine for both epilepsy and ADHD , and there is a little side effect .


  10. How do I find out what the maximum supported logical track group ( LTG ) size of my hard disk ?


  11. Conclusions It 's suggested that LTG can improve to a cognitive function and quality of life of newly diagnosed partial epilepsy .


  12. Methods : A systemof computerized image analysis was used to measure the optic disc parameters of POAG and LTG .


  13. Three general automatic metering method for oil tank is introduced in this paper : HTG , LTG , HIMS .


  14. The LTG size is specified either in K or M units , implying KB or MB respectively .


  15. Recent studies indicated that Lamotrigine ( LTG ), as a new anti-epileptic drug , can improve cognition function of patients with epilepsy .


  16. Similar to quartz , there are zero temperature cuts and pure module orientations on LGS , LTG and LGN .


  17. Objective To study the antiepileptic effectiveness of Lamotrigine ( LTG ) in different co-medication , and the relationship with dosage , serum concentration etc.


  18. We assessed not only the efficacy and safety of coadministration of LTG and different AEDs , but also the usual maintenance dose of LTG .


  19. VPA , TPM and CNZ were the most effective medicines , LTG and CBZ aggravated in most of patients .


  20. The function of dusting equipment in linen textile line were discussed in the paper , and the application and improvement of imitative " LTG " dusting system of our factory were introduced here .


  21. Objective To investigate the neuroprotective effects of flunarizine ( FNZ ) and lamotrigine ( LTG ), and their combination on the hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in fetal rats .


  22. NS Group and PTZ group given physiological saline gavage , VPA group , PHT group and LTG group given the medicine gavage , continues for three weeks , completes the intervention .


  23. Finally the main problems and challenges of RTD-based circuits are discussed . Silicon based RTD combined with LTG logic is the most suitable candidate for future nano-scale ultra-large integration circuit ( ULSI ) .


  24. To verify the curative effect and safety of lamotrigine ( LTG ) for the treatment of childhood epilepsy , a open-label , add-on , self-control study was undertaken on 44 children with intractable epilepsy .


  25. The results showed that seizure frequency decreased significantly ≥ 50 % in 24 / 44 ( 54 . 5 % ) patients after therapy . LTG was effective for all type seizures , in particular for general tetanic-clonic convulsion or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome .


  26. Some of the patients had different degrees of mental developing retardation , some had abnormality on brain imaging . On medicine treatment , VPA , TPM and CNZ were the most effective medicines . LTG and CBZ could be beneficial or aggravated .


  27. When the LVM receives a request for an I / O , it breaks the I / O down into what is called logical track group ( LTG ) sizes before it passes the request down to the device driver of the underlying disks .


  28. NO content of intestine tissue was higher of APG than LTG at every phase . The pathological and histological changes of pancreas and intestine tissues of LTG was only a little different from APG at lst and 4th , but worse than APG at the 8th .
