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  • 网络上帝抵抗军;圣主抵抗军;圣灵抵抗军;电流
  1. The experiment configuration of LRA and the experiment on measuring the Raman gain coefficient are discussed .


  2. LRA always made the news .


  3. The saturation and transient effect of LRA , the automatic gain control technique are discussed for the optimal design of gain characteristics .


  4. The LRA has used the peace talks to depict itself as an army fighting for the rights of the north .


  5. God damn it , lra , you shouldn 't have lied to me .


  6. The result of carbohydrate inhibition assay showed that Mannan and Thyroglobulin could inhibit the agglutinating activity of LRA .


  7. The ASE noise , the crosstalk noise and the Rayleigh noise of LRA are studied , and the noise figure is calculated .


  8. Kampala accused Sudan 's central government in Khartoum of providing support to the LRA , a charge Khartoum denies .


  9. The left arteriorenal ( LRA ) hemodynamics changes in 49 cases during intracardiac operation under direct vision were studied by transesophageal color Doppler imaging .


  10. They killed lra 's mama .


  11. Although pupae possed high THC and haemocytes phagocytosis competence , its LRA and antimicrobial activity was much more lower than adults .


  12. Three 2 F electrode catheters were positioned in high right atrium ( HRA ), low right atrium ( LRA ) and His bundle region ( HIS ) .


  13. In addition , last instar larvae assembled much more LRA and antimicrobial activity than pupae , but had the lowest PO activity in its haemolymph .


  14. Lra , they 're cops , they 're supposed to have nightsticks .


  15. The International Criminal Court issued its first arrest warrants for LRA commanders , whose tactics include mutilating their victims by cutting off their lips and ears .


  16. In northern Uganda , children seek the safety of towns at night for fear of being snatched from their beds by the rebel group Lord 's Resistance Army ( LRA ) .


  17. He says the brutal attacks are usually carried out by small bands of LRA ( Lord 's Resistance Army ) guerillas who loot the towns and leave little in their wake .


  18. The left arteriorenal ( LRA ) hemodynamics changes were measured by two-dimensional color Doppler imaging ( 2D-CDI ) before and after cardiac valve replacements ( CVR ) .


  19. The Ugandan army 's announcement that it has killed general Raska lukwiya , one of the lra 's senior commanders cast further doubt on northern uganda 's troubled peace process .


  20. Experiments show that the above algorithms not only enhance the detection rate but also decrease the false positive rate . In the case of a great many of alarm loss and false alarms , our algorithms perform better than LRA . 4 .


  21. The results suggest that the transesophageal color Doppler imaging , as a noninvasive technique , for measurement of the blood flow of LRA and judgement of the operative effect during intracardiac operation under direct vision , is of practical value .


  22. South Sudan 's government says it cut off Khartoum 's supply lines to the LRA after the2005 accord so the Ugandan rebels moved north to Khartoum-controlled territory in Darfur to get resupplied .


  23. The movie is the entry point to a mission , and the mission involves influencing our policymakers , influencing our culture makers , so they can take the steps on the ground from disarmament , demobilization and reintegration of all of the LRA fighters .


  24. A 30 - minute video gone viral online has achieved what policymakers and activists have failed to do : make more people care about the atrocities of a bizarre cult called the Lord 's Resistance Army , or LRA , seeking to overthrow the Ugandan government .
