
  • abbr.level of effort 努力程度
  1. Engineer by day , Loe learned cooking at night school .


  2. " I teach people how to live farm-fresh without a farm , " Loe said .


  3. " I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar , " Loe said .


  4. Through her website Loe emphasizes that " anybody can do this anywhere . "


  5. Loe is a master food preserver , gardener and canning expert .


  6. Loe noted , there 's a moment when it 's bursting with its absolute peak flavor .


  7. Loe initially went to school to become an engineer , but she quickly learned that her enthusiasm was mainly about growing and preparing her own food .


  8. What Theresa Loe is doing proves that a large farm isn 't   prerequisite   for a modern grow-your-own lifestyle .


  9. On a mere 1 / 10 of an acre in Los Angeles , Loe and her family grow , can and preserve much of the food they consume .


  10. His loe celebrates her victories and soothes her wounds .


  11. Planned Value is assigned to each LOE task for each measurement period .


  12. The volume of each rectangular solid reflects the iteration 's relative LOE .


  13. Falling in love is the easy part , but staying in loe is the hard part .


  14. The thickness of each slice reflects the LOE for different roles within that discipline .


  15. In these cases , the level of effort ( LOE ) technique is used for determining Earned Value .


  16. Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation Treated by Lumbar Traction Combine with Loe Circle Wave Electrostimulation


  17. If Arsenal loe again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the first division .


  18. LOE activities will never show a schedule variance . Consequently , the technique always biases the project data toward an on-schedule condition .


  19. At last , the a - B spline : linear singular blending B-spline curve presented by K. F. Loe is introduced .


  20. The volume of each cylinder reflects the iteration 's overall relative level of effort ( LOE ) in terms of person-hours .


  21. LOE should be utilized conservatively and should be considered only when the task does not lend itself to a more objective measurement technique .


  22. Loe and lordship hate companions .


  23. This article built a model of single machine infinite power system with MATLAB . Then simulated several kinds of generator loss-of-excitation faults and summarized their characteristics , which established theory foundations of putting forward reliable LOE protection measures .


  24. The team still went through a requirements cycle of refining CWNs to BRs and SRs , prioritizing , ROM , LOE , and low-level sizings , adding new requirements , and circling around repeatedly .


  25. This VP is composed of four modules as followed , the structures-and-mechanisms subsystem module , the attitude determination and control subsystem ( ADCS ) module , the C & DH module and the local environment ( LoE ) module . These modules are connected through their ports .


  26. CEO Ian Read explained in the 2012 third-quarter earnings report , " Year-to-date we have absorbed approximately $ 5.5 billion in LOEs . " An " LOE " is a loss of exclusivity to drug formulas , including Lipitor and others in this case , and $ 5.5 billion is no joke .
