That was the case , too , with a dessert of late-summer damson plums that appeared in three guises : stuffed into a tender dumpling , frozen into sorbet and poached with cinnamon syrup .
The oranges have also been used to create gelato , sorbet and Italian soda .
Museums , historical sites and tourist attractions across China have also introduced ice cream bars , sorbets as well as other creative food and products to expand their cultural reach .
Actually , I like some of the healthier alternatives , like frozen yogurt or sorbet .
Production and techniques of sorbet
If you love mangoes , you 'll enjoy this sorbet .
On a recent afternoon , homemade orange sorbet and slices of tropical fruit lined the table .
And those taste really fresh as frozen yogurt or sherbet or sorbet .
Ruby beet sorbet brought out the bitterness in a thick caramel sauce .
We order ice cream - vanilla , strawberry and chocolate for him , sorbet for me .
Buford declines dessert , but orders a watermelon sorbet for me .
Argentine-owned Patagonia has incredible ice cream , summer fruit sorbets and spectacular chocolates .
This sorbet is so creamy and totally indulgent .
She ordered a lemon sorbet .
Flue gas CFB desulfurization is a semi-dry desulfurization technology with low investment , low running costs and high sorbet utilization and desulfurization efficiency , which has wide range of applications in our country .
Ingredients : Fine leg beef , salt , sugar , wine , five spices power , gourmet power , brine , calcium lactate , paprika red , potassium sorbet .
In Paris with President Francois Hollande on Thursday night , Mr Cameron was treated to lobster tureen followed by turbot , cheese and sorbet .
We ordered the cilantro-poached pineapple with coconut , which came with tropical treats such as pia colada sorbet , and an assortment of the creamiest of ice-creams : chocolate , caramel , coffee and Bailey 's Irish Cream .
On the advice of his former supermodel wife , Carla , 13 years his junior , the one-time chocoholic president has been on a draconian fitness and nutrition programme for most of his presidency , served a frugal diet of fish , vegetables , salads and sorbets .
The five-course menu begins with two pounds of Osetra caviar and a salad with poached pears , goat cheese and macadamia nuts . The next course features wine and a lemon sorbet , while the main course is a Kobe steak and a South African lobster tail with black truffle , the New York Post reported .