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  • adv.冲动地;性急地;激烈地;迅疾地


in an impulsive or impetuous way;without taking cautions
he often acts impulsively and later regrets it
Synonym: impulsively


  1. As to the ideological work , we should never go about impetuously .


  2. So of course I dashed impetuously to the shrine to pay homage .


  3. Last year we accomplished many things , but some were overdone or done impetuously .


  4. When my kids kissed me impetuously , I would never have said ," Later . "


  5. He escaped impetuously , like the wolf who finds his cage open .


  6. I 'll write as long as I live , cried Carl impetuously .


  7. But national fruit market competed impetuously , consumer required the fruit face , endoplasm and edible safeness increasingly .


  8. But with the development of processing trade , the cost of labor escalated , trade barriers became daily frequency , international competition got to much more impetuously .


  9. Do not run impetuously before the Lord ; learn to wait His time : the minute-hand as well as the hour-hand must point the exact moment for action .


  10. The insurgents fired impetuously .


  11. Beyond the research , the author found that multiple cultures and new ideas collided impetuously in Tianjin during that period , as a result , the local cultures mingled proactively or reactively .


  12. Then he burst out with : " I seem to be getting myself into a scrape !" " I 'll write as long as I live ," cried Carl impetuously .


  13. So impetuously , during the Apollinian phase , does man 's will desire to remain on earth , so identified does he become with existence , that even his lament turns to a song of praise .


  14. After the scholars holding different opinions debated impetuously in 1980s , on the distribution of right of the firm , reach filed in theory of the firm has developed into two main branches gradually : shareholder primacy theory vs. stakeholder theory .


  15. When my kids kissed me impetuously , I would never have said , ' Later . Now go get washed up for dinner . ' There would have been more ' I love you 's ' More ' I 'm sorry 's. '


  16. The economic competition among all countries becomes more and more impetuously . Whether the oil and gas system is perfect not only affects the sustainable development stratagem of the country economic construction , but also is the important factor of restraining the balance and development of domestic area economy .


  17. The appliance industry competes impetuously in recent years , the product is the same quality turns the phenomenon seriously , the market profits further tends thin , the economic performance descends gradually , the price fights to attain to turn white-hot the degree .


  18. Where the Dionysian powers rise up as impetuously as we experience them now , Apollo , too , must already have descended among us , wrapped in a cloud ; and the next generation will probably behold his most ample beautiful effects .
