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  • 网络哈瓦;华亿达;深圳市华亿达实业有限公司;香港华亿达;天气
  1. The wrinkles in hava rexha 's pale skin were carved by a life spanning three centuries , under Ottoman Turkish rule , Albanian monarchy , Italian occupation .


  2. The material is easy to get , reaction process is simple and hava a good yield .


  3. The algorithm hava high efficiency in solving problem between accuracy and speed of image detection , has higher value of using .


  4. Actually , I hava matter to hide from you .


  5. You seem to quite tiredness , that you need to hava a rest .


  6. Based on the complexity network itself has a multi-disciplinary characteristics , in order to hava a better analysis of the complexity network .


  7. Since Email birthed in 1971 , there hava been more than 30 years .


  8. Intra prediction is used in decoder and encoder . But the two implement hava different requirement and should be implemented with different method .


  9. At the same time , many antique appraisal experts , by several decades practice , hava a lot of invaluable experiences on some domains .


  10. She was born when Hava was 42 .


  11. Because of the advantage and application of point-based rendering , rendering techniques for pint-based models hava become a hot topic for research in recent years .


  12. Hospital SMS may hava advantages of facility , high-efficiency , high reliability and low-spending , avoiding the line 's busy by telephone service and artifical faults .


  13. Traffic sign detection and recognition is an important component of intelligent transportation part of the current international research hava too much , but a mature and comprehensive traffic sign recognition system have not yet .


  14. And if she starts humming " hava nagila " .


  15. Screen resistance , low cost , environmental adaptation , and resistance screen is widely used , therefore , if the resistance of screens hava improvements on the multi-touch , it will bring great benefits .


  16. This paper focuses on the design and implementation process of Hunan Institute of Humanities , Science and Technology asset management , at present , the system has passed the test , various functions hava achieved the desired effect .


  17. The Hava Supai refer in legends to spindly blue gray'ant people'as having taken them into underground refuge cities during the first and second Atlantean deluge .


  18. N_G ( P ) is a Hall nilpotent subgroup of odd order and all proper subgroups which contain N_G ( P ) hava a Sylow tower .


  19. 1 - ( 2-pyridylazo ) - 2-naphthol ( PAN ) and Emulsifier OP hava been used in the colorimetric determination of zinc in Gynostemma pentaphyllum .


  20. Anyway , I am pulling out the sandwich that I bought from 7-11 . I am really hungry.one sandwich will not be enough.but I will hava to bear with it .
