
HCO3 – have the largest influence on the total phosphorus removal , Cl - is minimum .
G hot wells geothermal fluid HCO3 · CI-Na-type alkaline water , freshwater .
Note that the compensatory processes cause changes in the pCO2 and [ HCO3 - ] .
Effect of Furosemide on Canine Cerebrospinal Fluid [ HCO3 - ] Regulation in Acute Metabolic Alkalosis
On the basis of Cl - / HCO3 - exchange via band 3 protein in membrane , red blood cells transport oxygen and dioxide carbon .
The method of determining the stype of corrosion and scaling according to the molar ratio of Ca2 + / HCO3 - was also founded .
They also calculate derived variables , such as plasma bicarbonate concentration ( HCO3 –), base excess and saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen ( SaO2 ) .
We also studied the effect of HA / Tert-butanol , a typical free radical inhibitor / HCO3 - some metal ions in the water for the removal of 2,4-D.
The Ca2 + / HCO3 - ratio of formation water ( unit : meg ) mostly ranges from 0 . 5 to 1000 and the intervals are in high corrosion rate areas as well .
In addition , the ions strength of water , in organic complex anions ( HCO3 - ), metallic oxide colloidal particulates and biological processes would all exert a great influence on the behavior of REE .
The current methods of preparation for calcium carbonate whiskers , such as carbonation , replacement reaction , urea hydrolysis , thermal decomposition of Ca ( HCO3 ) 2 and supergravity reaction-crystallization are analyzed and reviewed in the paper .
A process named ion exchange micro-basification is put forward in the treatment of turbo-generator inner cooling water . The process translates the minim soluble Cu ( HCO3 ) 2 into NaOH , regulating solution alkalescent and restraining copper corrosion effectively .
Identification of the difference in structural , physiological and biochemical responses of rice genotypes varying in Zn efficiency to HCO3 ~ or high pH is an approach which may facilitate to understanding the mechanisms in rice in tolerance to Zn deficiency in calcareous soil .