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  • 网络合成;人体自燃;同源性和胶原蛋白;一览表;瑞士健康中心
  1. SHC ( 28'C ) was induced by surface cooling methods .


  2. Only 1 patient with SHC was anti - HCV positive .


  3. At last , it gives us some proper suggestions and strategy in accordance with the problems which SHC exposed in its development .


  4. SHC type wa - ter level automatic measuring and reporting system was developed , researched and produced jointly by Shanghai Harbour Superintendence Administration and SSSRI .


  5. The SHC adopted two new key techniques , i.e. , site-specific nitrogen management and alternate wetting and moderate drying irrigation in rice and controlled soil drying irrigation in wheat .


  6. Objective To study the effect of laparoscopic cholecystectomy ( LC ) in the treatment of patients with schistosomiasis hepatic cirrhosis ( SHC ) complicated with symptomatic gallstone .


  7. To determine whether SHC ( selective head cooling ) can change the neuronal outcome , and explore the biochemical mechanism of its effects during postischemic reperfusion in rabbits .


  8. Results : hTRT positive signal with heterogeneous distribution in the form of membrance and cytoplasmic was detected in 80 % ( 16 / 20 ) of SHC .


  9. Conclusions SHC with mild systemic hypothermia could reduce the risk of death or disability in infants with moderate to severe HIE , especially in those with moderate HIE .


  10. HTRT positive signal in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia was 66.67 % ( 2 / 3 ), which was similar to that of SHC .


  11. In this paper it is focused on the process of dehydrogenation of propane coupled with selective oxidation of hydrogen , especially on the technology of high temperature hydrogen combustion and SHC catalysts .


  12. Conclusion : The levels of viral load and the degree of liver injury in PTHC are significantly higher than those in SHC , different infective mode with HCV can bring on different clinical effect .


  13. Objective To investigate the effects of different dietary proteins of fish meat and casein upon the progression of chronic renal failure ( CRF ) in spontaneously hypercholesterolemic ( SHC ) rats .


  14. For example , one woman had the following problem : II shc made up something in her mind , a few minutes later she couldn 't distinguish that from a memory of something that had actually happened .


  15. Objective To find out the clinical significance of diagnosing the subclinical hepatic carcinoma ( SHC ) in virtue of dynamic changes of hepatic artery blood volume ( V-HA ) in the patients with liver cirrhosis .


  16. The increased grain yield under the SHC was mainly attributed to expanded sink size as a result of more kernels per spike , increased kernel weight of wheat and increased percentage of filled grains of rice .


  17. Pt-based catalysts have been prepared by aqueous incipient wetness impregnation . Effects of different supports , promoters and metal loadings on the SHC catalysts performance were investigated . Meanwhile some technology conditions were also explored here .


  18. The four-vessel model of complete cerebral ischemia ( CCI ) was used . 56 New Zealand rabbits were allocated randomly into three groups : control group : ischemic-reperfusion ; SHC group ( 28 ℃ . surface cooling method ) .


  19. All the members in Shc family have two functional domains : PTB domain and SH2 domain which can bind to phosphotyrosine and a central region ( denoted CH1 ) that contains critical tyrosine phosphorylation sites .


  20. The post receptor signal transduction consists of a series of receptor associated tyrosine protein kinase activated intracellular protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions , such as the phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 ( IRS 1 ), Shc , Ras and phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase ( PI3 K ) .
