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  • 网络藏红花;萨弗朗;番红花
  1. Josh Safran graduated from American University in Washington with a business degree .


  2. Josh Safran says he may have to do what a growing number of recent college graduates are doing .


  3. When the American novelist Jonathan Safran Foer had his first child , he decided to investigate what he should be feeding him .


  4. Airbus and Safran , a French propulsion systems maker , have entered into a 50-50 joint venture aimed at designing a new , less costly rocket for Europe .


  5. Still , bacon has plenty of thoughtful opponents , among them Jonathan Safran Foer , author of the recent bestselling vegetarian treatise Eating Animals .


  6. This is safran , Augustine and me .


  7. Then The New Yorker identified Andrey Guryev , a fertilizer magnate from Russia , as the beneficiary of a company called Safran Holdings , said to own Witanhurst on behalf of his family .


  8. Even better , she took the opportunity to educate her audience on factory farming industry & with help from author Jonathan Safran Foer ( of Eating Animals ) and filmmaker Robert Kenner ( Food , INC. ) .


  9. Safran itself has only recently emerged from a disastrous period after it was created in 2005 by a forced marriage of SNECMA ( a successful maker of jet engines ) and Sagem , a defence-electronics group .


  10. So wurden beispielsweise die Motoren von CFM International geliefert - einem Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von General Electric und Safran . Fahrwerke und L ü ftungssysteme kommen vom deutschen Luftfahrtzulieferer Liebherr Aerospace .


  11. Just like executive producer Josh Safran told us back in September , " You will see all steps up to Blair 's wedding . " Well , it looks like we will see Blair 's wedding - and then Blair running out of her wedding .
