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  1. Evercore has yet to name his replacement .


  2. I have reached out to the special committee and evercore for confirmation of these facts .


  3. The relationship also enables evercore to build up a presence in Asia commensurate with its growing profile in Latin America and Europe .


  4. The writer , who served as US Deputy Treasury Secretary from 1993-1994 , is founder and chairman of evercore partners


  5. Go-Shop : Evercore Partners contacted 67 different parties during the go-shop , with 10 entering the process .


  6. To some , including evercore and perella Weinberg , the next step is adding an asset management arm to handle investment portfolios .


  7. The publisher has appointed evercore , the boutique investment bank , to sell the business after concluding it was non-core , two people familiar with the decision said .


  8. That would mean that evercore never shared such information with Blackstone , and also would mean that the information was not entered into the confidential data room to which Blackstone had access .


  9. Also attending is Evercore Partners ( EVR ) President and CEO Ralph Schlosstein and wife Jane Hartley , co-founder of the Observatory Group , an economic and political advisory firm .


  10. ( the lucky winners of the latest jackpot are centerview partners , evercore partners ( EVR ) , and Goldman Sachs ( GS ) . )


  11. Evercore clients were sitting on gold from early 2009 when it was less than $ 1000 an ounce through early 2011 , when it topped $ 1500 an ounce and they eliminated the position .


  12. After some hemming and hawing , his public relations representative sent over this statement : " at evercore wealth management , we are exploring opportunities to leverage the diversified market hedges portfolio in various vehicles , including mutual funds . "


  13. Roger Altman , co-founder of investment bank Evercore Partners ( EVR ) and a former deputy Treasury secretary , was aOuimet Fund scholar , as was Ray Dalio , founder of money-management powerhouse Bridgewater Associates .


  14. Arndt Ellinghorst , at Evercore ISI , said Chinese car buyers appear to be even more connected than people in the western world , in part because the average buyer is 36 years old - 10 years younger than in the US and 20 years younger than in Germany .
