The American coot is a duck-like North American bird .
Sometimes a coot will try and sneak one of its eggs into a neighbor 's nest .
Our son came back from the barber 's shop as bald as coot .
Witnesses say a rattlesnake bit Jamie Coots Saturday night .
We got drunk as coots that night .
He 's a sweet old coot .
Mrs. Coots half collapsed in a chair and regarded me tiredly .
But the woman who answered the door was far different from the Mrs. Coots I remembered in the classroom .
And that means coots count .
Poor man , he is only twenty years old , but owing to illness he is as bald as a coot .
Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of45 .
This technique has many advantages such as simple and convenient technological process , short separating cycle , less reagent , consumption , lower preparing coot , and high separating effect .
Why did you buy him a hairbrush ? He 's as bald as a coot !
Any of various water birds of the family Rallidae , as the gallinule , rail , or coot , that inhabit marshland .
Photographer Steve Shinn managed to snap the stricken bird of prey on its back after a meal of a coot near a nature preserve in Long Beach , California .
It had attacked a Coot near the stream and chewed away on it for about a half hour before it waddled about 50 feet and fell flat on his keister .
All along this uninhabited shoreline , sea islands , salt marshes , and sandy beaches provide a perfect resting place for Tundra swans , coots , gallinules , and other water birds .
Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of 45 . Orson Welles was a mere 26 when he wrote , produced , directed , and starred in Citizen Kane .
By observing and describing the anatomical trait of bald coot 's digestive apparatus , and comparing with water - fowl , grouse pheasant and so on , this paper discover that bald coot has no thv element bursa as waterfowl .
- 习语
knucklehead thickhead lunkhead galah dummy dope lamebrain doofus airhead divvy cretin dumbo bonehead squarehead numbskull turkey piss artist wally simpleton muppet clown dim dipstick tit tomfool jackass bozo drongo dunderhead imbecile plonker boob schlep arse ninny duffer ass putz twerp twit booby blockhead goof fool boofhead chump pillock moron schmo clot clod birdbrain goose prat dingbat prick schmuck jerk goon mug dolt nana nit sap berk idiot