
  • 网络自信;确信


great coolness and composure under strain
keep your cool
Synonym: aplomb cool poise sang-froid


  1. You can then revise with better accuracy and assuredness that you 're on the right track .


  2. Pride , assuredness and introspectiveness : the hope for Chinese ecology


  3. Assuredness , this is a Chinese New Year that float snow !


  4. In spite of the recent setback in sale , the general manager speak with assuredness at the meeting .


  5. He was a young man , close to his own age , with sandy blonde hair and an air of assuredness .


  6. Even more basic to the impression of assuredness is the nature of Fielding 's philosophy , sceptical but optimistic .


  7. The major features of transpersonal experiences include wonderment , assuredness , wisdom , unity , universality , and influential power .


  8. The first , the performance scales that covered trust degree and assuredness degree were defined , and modeled the integrate QoS : Aggregate Utility Ratio ;


  9. Yellow is a traditional tie colour in countries , including England , which can signal assuredness , along with radiance and vitality , he said .


  10. When Angie woke up from the nightmare , she pinched herself for the assuredness that she was still alive .


  11. So , we bring forward that risk-oriented audit model should be updated through importing the idea of presumption of fraud and assuredness to improve auditors ability to reveal management fraud .


  12. After the assuredness of the dopant and the depth of the layers , associating the chief technology directive , the structural parameters of the device are obtained and theoretically checked .


  13. In every note and every word of Beethoven , from the time he first became articulate , this erect stature and proud majesty of soul spoke with convincing assuredness .


  14. Results : 10 cases were effectual follow up 3 ~ 10 months in 12 cases . Fine criterion , which contraposition of fracture was good , internal fixation was assuredness , were achieved in 8 cases . Two cases evaluation were moderate criterion .


  15. Results Thirty five cases were effectual follow up 6 ~ 36 months in 38 cases . Fine criterion , which contraposition of fracture were good , internal fixation of anatomical plate were assuredness and movement degree of knee joint were more than 90 °, were achieved in 30 cases .


  16. From the worship of the nature , assuredness of technology and that man can conquer nature , to the advancing and practicing of the sustainable development , it is a difficult progress which passes through cognition , practice , re-cognition and re-practice , and will also go on forever .
