
  • n.感(知)觉;敏感性;感受性


mental responsiveness and awareness
Synonym: sensibility esthesia


  1. The Study on the Expression of Aesthesia Design in Corporate Identity System


  2. Aesthesia Operation on Patients with Great Area Burn


  3. But the basic aesthesia is not the final product of brain .


  4. Brain must have united cell units in order to explain information imported by aesthesia .


  5. On the Subject Aesthesia of Movement in Erhu Playing


  6. The nerve pulses of these cell units can make out the best explanation of visual form and other aesthesia .


  7. Depending on theory analyses , in the third part the author introduces the service quality of customer aesthesia into hotel industry in our country .


  8. Consciousness is enriched by aesthesia and vision .


  9. It is reported that reconstruction aesthesia and myocutaneous flap and skeletal flap based on the same blood nutrition have been succeeded .


  10. The analysis of aesthesia and the analysis of visual figure can strengthen our outsight and receptivity to the world , and make us understanding this world better .


  11. Specimen collections and laboratory check ; In the 21 days of pregnant rats , infants were taken which registered weight and height after aesthesia .


  12. Corporate identity design is the aesthetic design , in which MIS is the content of design aesthesia , BIS and VIS is the form of aesthesia design .


  13. The difference in one-time success rate was significant between the groups by X ~ 2 test ( P < 0.01 ), showing the effects of psychological therapy was significantly superior to aesthesia .


  14. From " watching for images " to " perceiving about affections ", it is possible for us to discover the artistic aesthesia elements in The Book of Changes .


  15. The prevalence rate is increasing year after year and the ratio of female patients obviously increased . In clinic , it represents dysfunction of limb aesthesia , vision disturbance and bladder dysfunction .


  16. AIM : To probe into the effect of local pathological changes of cervical rib syndrome on the functions of motion , aesthesia and blood vessels in corresponding regions dominated by cervical rib .


  17. All mice were killed under aesthesia and their proximal tibia was harvested for undecalcified sections and the bone metabolism indexes were measured by automatic image-analysis system for bone histomorphometry .


  18. Patients after operation had temporary light anaesthesia of auricular region and the aesthesia of auricular region became normal from 1 week to 4 months after operation . No long-term anaesthesia of auricular region was found .


  19. This thesis analyzes the estate of design culture in modern culture in details , meanwhile investigates and discusses design , as an activity of creating aesthesia , has already been an art behavior tend towards materialize of living world .


  20. Vision is the first headspring of wisdom , especially , the creative thinking is carried on through the image . The combination of lingual thinking and visual thinking fills in the gaps between the sensibility and logos , aesthesia and thinking , arts and science .


  21. METHODS : The experiment was conducted in the animal center of Guangdong Medical College from October 2004 to March 2005 . Thirty six-week-old clean Kunming mice of 25-30 g were randomly divided into three groups : ① basal control group : The mice were killed after aesthesia to sample ;
