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  • abbr.外部网关协议(Exterior Gateway Protocol);增程制导炮弹(Extended Guided Projectile);广泛网关协议(Extensive Gateway Protocol)
  1. The Major Problems and Countermeasures in EGP Teaching Reform in Vocational Colleges


  2. Application of contrast in Teaching EGP Words and Phrases


  3. In this paper , the author advances the concept of economic geographical process ( EGP ) .


  4. The elevated Gas concentration in patients with EGP could be correlated with Hp infection .


  5. Practice in Enterprises : the Way to Transform EGP Teachers into the Multi-skill English Teachers


  6. Preparation and characterization of LDPE / EGP electrical conducting composites


  7. A Tentative Analysis of English Majors ' Learning Needs Directed to School-based EGP Curriculum Development in Chongqing Education College


  8. The Effect of EGP on Preventive Medicine


  9. On the Connection between EGP and ESP at Adult Colleges


  10. Assessing students ' needs is an indispensable step in EGP ( English for General Purposes ) curriculum development , implementation and evaluation .


  11. IDRP is an EGP ( Exterior Gateway Protocol ) protocol .


  12. A Contrastive Study of EGP and ESP On the Relative Satisfaction of College Students for ESP and EGP Courses


  13. ESP is a professional and one of the practical needs-based English teaching as a further extension of EGP also received more attention then .


  14. On the Relation between English Business Presentation and Specialized Curriculum of the Specialties of Applied English ; A Contrastive Study of EGP and ESP


  15. Currency C Egyptian Pound The Egyptian pound ( currency code EGP ) is the current legal currency of the Arab Republic of Egypt .


  16. The change of target language in foreign language teaching inevitably concerns the merging development of English for special purposes ( ESP ) and English for general purposes ( EGP ) .


  17. However , many hold a wrong idea that EST is the same with EGP ( English for General Purposes ) in almost all the aspects except for some technical terms .


  18. EGP could increase the percentage of splenocytes in S and G_2 + M phases of irradiated mice compared with that of the single irradiated group ( P0.01 );


  19. The arc-shaped and monodermic enstrophe esophagogastrostomy ( EGP ); Esophageal cancer ; Resection of esophageal carcinoma .


  20. [ Objective ] To study the efficacy and safety of endoscopic microwave and anti-Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) applied in patients with erosive gastritis protuberans ( EGP ) .


  21. Secondly it analyzes the condition , which alters agriculture EGP in Hebei , from some aspects of the agricultural economy growth stability , production factors , resources and environment , construction , institution factors and so on .


  22. Two classes involve in the experiment with one as the experimental class , and the other being the control class . ESP Approach is adopted in the experimental class while EGP Approach is adopted in the control class .


  23. Objective To evaluate the relationship among erosive gastritis protuberance ( abbreviated as EGP ) and Helicobacter pylori ( abbreviated as Hp ) and gastrin ( abbreviated as Gas ) .


  24. Not only domestic relevant policies and researches , but also foreign advanced teaching experiences , all indicate and prove that ESP taking the place of traditional EGP will become an important direction for the future college English education development in China .


  25. To achieve this goal , many immunization strategies have be proposed , ranging from local strategies , such as uniform immunization and acquaintance immunization , to global strategies , such as targeted immunization and EGP immunization .


  26. Results The Hp infection rate in the EGP group was higher than that in the CSG group ( P < 0.01 ), the serum Gas concentration and the increasing rate were also higher than those in the CSG group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .
