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  • adj./adv.<苏格兰>容易的【地】
  1. They fell in love with eath other the second time they met .


  2. The infection rate associated with eath inoculum combination was calculated , and two groups were compared .


  3. We people on the Eath are already bad enough , do we have to make it more bad ?


  4. Love is just looking at eath other , it 's not looking the same of direction !


  5. Higher vocational law education and higher general law education have a lot in common on teaching methods . but they are also different from eath other .


  6. The condition , application and develpment of oil fume treatment technique are introduced and the features and development direction of eath kind of technique are analysed .


  7. During the reception procedure , the involved signals are not interfered with eath other , but dependent and closely correlated .


  8. The earth sensor uses the same hardware processing circuitry to achieve the eath attitude position , which can further reduce power consumption and volume of the system .


  9. With EPP of PC and CAN Bus as example to introduce how to succeed to switch eath other by circuit and programs .


  10. The milk samples were dealed with 5 methods , the standard curve and rate of recovery were compared with eath other in order to select the best method .


  11. The development of technology and art shows that new and old techniques are not replaced eath other , on the contrary , they serve together the creation of film .


  12. Through the design of the specific hardware and software , CAN network and Industrial Ethernet CAN access eath other seamlessly and efficiently . And also control and management are unified .


  13. X-Ray films were taken including pelvis , forearm , lower leg , wrist , tarsals and metatarsals in eath case .


  14. The station control level is led 2-circuit AC power supply through different buses , through isolating transformer to UPS with single-phase з - line power output to eath user .


  15. Understanding the core thought of life , correspondingly , its value mainly embody in life consciousness education ; life value education ; life existence education ; life relations education ; eath education and life ideal education .


  16. The Changes in death anxiety across three age groups ( 49 subjects in all ) were studied by pictorial derivation of STAIC , eath stimuli and schematic face .


  17. The Jinbeizhuang Archean metamorphic iron ore deposit is situated in where the north side of Yanshan settle-zone crosses Inner Mongolia Eath 's Axis .


  18. Results : The increase of threshold of wave V was found in 15 ears of Group A and in 28 ears of Group B , and the difference was significant as compared with eath other .


  19. Contact you more long , like your degree eath , wish I could have a pair of wings , across the Pacific Ocean to see see you figure , even if it 's just far wait-and-see .


  20. The density and viscosity of diluted secondary caprylic alcohol decrease and phases separate quickly when sludge is extracted , producing wttle " black slag " and entrapment of two phases form eath other .


  21. The first three episodes took place in the Jinning epoch and the last episode occurred in the later period of the Caledonian movement . The structural features formed by four episodes of structural deformations are quite different eath other .


  22. This paper , as in the nature of undergraduate education , presents certain methods in regulating office archival management in eath department so that the archives in colleges and universities should play an active rule in education management , teaching activities , and teaching researches .


  23. By the 25 min postinsemination , the male and female pronuclei move toward the center of blastodisc , then associate with eath other tightly , lastly confuse completely to be the zygotic nucleus .


  24. Robot set partition method based on global communication are discussed in detail , and eath robot selects its following object via some rules . The new model and algorithm can be applied to other cases in which each robot has its own height , target and obstacle .


  25. The farthest distance in the world is not that we can 't be together though both we love eath other but that I have to pretend that I don 't care about you at all while I can 't help missing you .


  26. The structure of the software is divided into four modules , which are the interface control and display module , the data reading and writing module , the data processing module and the signal combining module . The principle and realization of eath module has been introduced respectively .
