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  • abbr.电子情报截收电报(ELINT Intercept Message);发动机库存管理员(Engine Inventory Manager);可激发性诱导材料(Excitability Inducing Material)
  1. First , the paper analyzing the problem of EIM .


  2. Element Integration Method ( EIM ) was proposed to analyze slope stability .


  3. Visualization of EIM Simulation Data on Real Cardiac Model


  4. Design and Analysis of the OA & M System in the EIM 601 Exchange


  5. Setting up EIM server / client and adding Identity Mapping information


  6. Add the user and group identity mapping information in the EIM server .


  7. So this paper 's target is the implementation of EIM based on SIP .


  8. EIA system depends on public expressions and communications which take an important role in EIM process .


  9. The effective index method ( EIM ) and its inherent errors are analyzed , and an improved method is proposed .


  10. Acquiring the normalized dispersion curves of different rib optical waveguide structures by EIM .


  11. The upper bound limit analysis of the slope is numerically performed by element integration method ( EIM ) .


  12. When considering the influence of a distributed field on the slope stability , EIM has an outstanding advantage .


  13. System of Equipment-data Management Based on EIM


  14. Objective To assess the clinical effects of infliximab in experimental immune myositis ( EIM ) .


  15. To testify the strong positive correlation between Core Competence and EIM , this dissertation conducts a positive research with questionnaire and statistical analysis .


  16. AIX provides foreign identity mapping using EIM , which is an LDAP-based technology to manage multiple user registries in an organization .


  17. According to data presented by the European IVF Monitoring Group ( EIM ), 479,288 treatment cycles were reported in32 European countries in2007 .


  18. Effective Index Method ( EIM ) and Beam Propagation Method ( BPM ), which are very effective way to design and optimize waveguide devices at present .


  19. By means of special design , the EIM system chooses fledged security technology and equipments for the present to ensure the safety of network and network information .


  20. Finally , upon the outstanding management practices , this dissertation suggests the policies on how to advance the " Core Competence " with EIM .


  21. To resolve this request correctly , the EIM administrator has to store the following foreign identity mapping information on the EIM server .


  22. Now the NFS server detects that the request is from the foreign domain and consults the EIM server for the foreign identity mapping information .


  23. This paper expounds the composite material , polymerization method and basic property of 200-grade Electrical Insulating Material ( EIM , that 's polyamide material ) and its applications .


  24. Based on this property , an effective analytical model and algorithm for tracing current using extended incidence matrix ( EIM ) were introduced to improve the accuracy of power flow tracing and loss allocation .


  25. You also need to add the owner of the / usr / sbin / nfsrgyd daemon i.e root : system in the EIM server .


  26. In this case , for successful identity mapping , the EIM administrator has to also store the Kerberos realm to NFS domain mapping information in the EIM server .


  27. By using effective index method ( EIM ) to calculate the transverse refractive index distribution of polymeric ridge waveguide , 3-D light wave field propagation is successfully simplified into 2-D propagation .


  28. By the introduction of the concept of Enterprise Integrated Model ( EIM ), the static and the dynamic properties of the equipment data and the mapping relation among every functional part in the enterprise were analyzed .


  29. The concept and construction approach of EIM were presented . The properties of the EIM , such as the property of the sum of the row and column elements , were discussed .


  30. The structure of the polymer rib optical waveguide is designed by using effective index method ( EIM ), and the mode field distribution in these waveguides is analyzed to determine the suitable structural size range .
