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  • 网络电子探针;电子探针分析
  1. Thickness measurement of thin films with EMPA is investigated .


  2. Observed with EMPA , metal and ceramic were closely contact , no significant fracture .


  3. Quantitative analysis of light elements of thin films is implemented with EMPA .


  4. The EMPA , XPS and IR were used to analyse the composition and structure of SAMs .


  5. The standard samples of Fe-C alloy ( 0.156-0.978 % C ) for carbon analysis by EMPA has been made successfully .


  6. The microstructure of new Al Sn Si bearing alloy was analyzed by XRD , OM , SEM and EMPA .


  7. EMPA is the most famous environmental protection organization in Switzerland and is the founder as well as the supervisor of CH6.5 Standard .


  8. The phase compositions , morphology and micro-zone analysis of nitridation products were determined and observed by using XRD , SEM / EDS , EMPA .


  9. The morphology and distribution of TiC-VC was examined with SEM and EMPA . The forming mechanism of TiC-VC in arc metallurgic reaction was investigated .


  10. The potential tests of segregation phases and EMPA surface scan analysis of corroded aluminum anodes showed that Sn phase is anodic phase , Fe phase and RE phase are cathodic phases .


  11. The thickness , diffusion rate , grain size and structure of the Nb_3Sn layer prepared by modified bronze process have been examined by means of metallog - raphy , SEM , X-ray diffraction and EMPA .


  12. Silicon nitride powder was prepared via direct nitridation process of silicon powders . The influences of temperature , compact pressure , particle size and diluents on the nitridation progress were studied with XRD , SEM and EMPA .


  13. The role of boron in inhibiting dezincification of aluminium brass was investigated by ICP , XRD , EMPA and PAT methods . By adding trace boron into aluminium brass with or without arsenic , the resistance of the brass against this type of selective corrosion could be remarkably improved .
