
The name 996.ICU refers to a saying among Chinese developers that following the 996 schedule puts you at risk of ending up in an intensive care unit .
The rules-which require employees to work from 9 am to 9 pm , six days a week without overtime pay-came under fire after a programmer created 996.ICU , a page on code-sharing platform GitHub.com . The page garnered immediate attention at home and abroad .
The 996 work schedule , however , can easily ratchet up weekly work to 60 hours .
The campaign against 996 work culture went viral on Weibo , drawing thousands of responses on China 's version of Twitter .
In addition , Zhong said that tightening supervision over companies relying on the 996 work schedule may reduce the nation 's competitiveness .
Users listed tech companies that use the 996 schedule , and then created a licensing agreement that would ban such companies from using their codes .
Gao said whether there 's an effort to abolish 996 or to give subsidies to overworked employees , " it 's time to do something . "
Activists are calling for more supervision over labor exploitation in an online crusade spearheaded by software developers against the so-called 996 work schedule , which is widely practiced in China 's tech industry .
A senior developer with the e-commerce giant Alibaba , who asked not to be named to protect his career , said employers seldom say the schedule is compulsory , but failure to follow the rules could lead to low performance scores and layoffs .