
  • 网络Group of 77
  1. 这演变成了美国与77国集团(G77)之间的一场较量。77国集团是由130多个发展中国家组成的阵营。

    It turned into a trial of strength between the US and the Group of 77 , a 130-strong bloc of developing nations .

  2. 会见了印度、巴西等国的领导人,会见了77国集团、非盟以及小岛国的代表。

    I met with leaders of India and Brazil . I also held meetings with representatives of the group of 77 and the African Union and leaders of some small island countries .

  3. 77国集团加中国提出建立一个在UNFCCC框架内的多边气候技术基金的方案。

    The G-77 plus China proposes setting up a multilateral climate technology fund under the UNFCCC .

  4. 中国发表上述言论前,巴基斯坦和古巴代表发展中国家组织77国集团(g77)和不结盟运动(non-alignedmovement)发出了多封信函。

    The Chinese outburst followed letters sent by Pakistan and Cuba , on behalf of the G77 group of developing nations and the Non-Aligned Movement .

  5. 在上周(9月22日)于美国纽约举行的77国集团(G-77)131个成员国外长的年会上通过了这个决定。这项提案的目的是让科学技术更加接近经济发展政策的核心。

    The move is intended to put science and technology closer to the heart of economic-development policy .

  6. 在中国和77国集团(g77)的支持下,印度已发出呼吁:联合国哥本哈根气候谈判形成的任何协定,都要禁止以气候问题为基础、设置针对发展中国家的进口限制和关税。

    India , with the support of China and the G-77 developing countries , has called for any agreement coming out of the United Nations climate negotiations in Copenhagen to ban import restrictions and tariffs against developing countries based on climate issues .

  7. 关于第三特别委员会事务的77国集团联络小组

    Contact Group of the Group of 77 on Special Commission 3 Matters

  8. 属于77国集团的联合国会员国和中国;

    States members of the United Nations that are members of the group of77 and china ;

  9. 他们还重申基础四国集团不是平行于77国集团(最大的发展中国家集团)的论坛,而是它的一部分。

    They also repeatedly asserted that the BASIC group is not a parallel forum to G77 the largest group of developing countries but a part of it .

  10. 发达国家转向更强硬的路线,也有部分原因在于,他们怀疑中国会利用代表130个发展中国家的77国集团,推进它在哥本哈根的议程。

    The harder line has come about partly since developed countries suspect China of using the G77 group of 130 developing nations to advance its agenda at Copenhagen .

  11. 印度认为“77国集团”更具“综合性和包容性”,提出坎昆“未能解决各方关注的许多关键问题”。

    India described the G77 agenda as " comprehensive and inclusive ", adding that Canc ú n " did not address many critical issues of concern to parties " .

  12. 在谈判中,中国以“77国集团和中国”的名义召集新闻发布会,但往往没有中方代表出席,现场都是贫穷国家的代表。

    At the talks , China calls press conferences billed " the G77 and China " , but no Chinese representatives turn up and the floor is left to poorer members .

  13. 在联合国哥本哈根气候峰会前夕,中国、巴西、印度、南非以及77国集团现任主席国苏丹的代表在北京就气候变化问题达成了共识。

    Representatives from China , Brazil , India and South Africa along with Sudan , the current chair nation of G-77 , have reached a consensus on climate change ahead of the UN summit in Copenhagen .

  14. 中国外交部发言人秦刚表示,有关中国忽略了77国集团其它发展中国家利益的说法“与事实不符,是不负责任和别有用心的”。

    Qin Gang , a spokesman for the foreign ministry , said that any suggestions China had ignored the rest of the G77 group of developing nations " were untrue and irresponsible comments made out of ulterior motives " .

  15. 欧盟集团是全球气候变化谈判的积极推动者;美国为首的伞形国家集团的态度则摇摆不定;77国集团+中国为代表的发展中国家则不承担强制性减排量目标。

    The European Union is an active promoter of global climate change negotiations ; but the US leading " umbrella group of countries " swing the attitude ; " Group of 77 + China " leading developing countries not assume responsibility for emissions reductions .