
  • 网络Longmen Township
  1. 罗明正在龙门乡中心的一个帐篷安排志愿者登记工作。地震已使当地数千人3天没有居所、食物和饮用水。

    Mr Luo is manning the volunteer registration tent at the centre of Longmen township , where the earthquake has left thousands of people without shelter , food and water for three days .

  2. 他和7个同学在周日抵达灾区,在龙门乡帮着从卡车上卸货。

    He and seven classmates arrived on Sunday and unloaded trucks in Longmen .

  3. 在距离震中位置10公里的龙门乡,大部分房舍受到损坏。

    In Longmen , a village about 10km from the epicentre in Taiping , most houses were damaged .

  4. 在通往龙门乡(那里的多数房屋被毁)的道路上,众多私家车带着饮用水、方便面和毯子前来救灾,导致道路严重阻塞,警察开始指挥后面的汽车掉头返回。

    On the road to Longmen , a village where most houses were destroyed , so many private cars arrived with donations – mostly water , instant noodles and blankets – that police started turning them away because of heavy road congestion .

  5. 在龙门乡与太平镇之间的一段公路上,周日上午交通堵塞严重,以至于一名受伤的妇女从进退不得的救护车上被抬下来,由她丈夫背着去就医。

    On one stretch between Longmen and Taiping , traffic was so bad on Sunday morning that an injured woman was taken out of her ambulance , which was stuck in traffic , and piggybacked by her husband to seek medical attention .