
hēi pí jiǔ
  • dark beer;black beer;bock beer
黑啤酒[hēi pí jiǔ]
  1. 一小杯啤酒就好了,不要黑啤酒。

    A small beer would be better , not black beer .

  2. 司陶特型纯生黑啤酒的研制

    Development of raw black beer like Stout Beer

  3. FAAS法测定黑米啤酒、黑啤酒中微量铁、锰、锌

    Determination of Iron , Manganese and Zinc in Black Rice Beer and Black Beer by FAAS

  4. 这种泥煤味黑啤酒由BrasserieduMontSalève酒厂酿制。

    or a smoked goat 's cheese with La Tourb é e , a peated dark ale made by Brasserie du Mont Sal è ve .

  5. 托尼宣称他能喝下一桶烈性黑啤酒。

    Tony claimed that he could finish a barrel of stout .

  6. 再配上一杯上好的黑啤酒。

    And a mug of dark beer to wash it down .

  7. 请给我们拿些生啤酒,如果有黑啤酒更好。

    Please bring me some draft , dark if you have any .

  8. 这款帝王烈性黑啤酒呈深黑色,即使在新鲜时也极其柔滑;

    This pitch-black imperial stout is devilishly smooth , even when young ;

  9. 这款鸡尾酒的配方是香槟和黑啤酒。

    A Black Velvet is a drink made with stout and champagne .

  10. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。

    We sell a wide range of ales and stouts .

  11. 全麦鲜酿营养型黑啤酒的研究

    The Research of Whole - malt Nutritional Black-beer

  12. 这款鸡尾酒的配方是爱尔兰基尼斯黑啤酒和苹果酒。

    The Black Velveteen is made with Guinness Irish Stout and Hard Apple Cider .

  13. 英国用法,饮料混合淡色啤酒和黑啤酒的饮品,苦黑啤酒。

    Black and tans are made with Guinness and an ale of your choice .

  14. 研究人员们表示黑啤酒中所含的额外的抗氧化物也许起到了作用。

    The extra antioxidants in dark beer may be the trick , researchers say .

  15. 请给我来一杯烈性黑啤酒。

    A pint of stout , please .

  16. 而研究结果显示相比没有浸泡过的肉类,经黑啤酒浸泡后可以将多环芳烃的生成减少一半。

    Turns out dark ale cut PAH levels in half , compared to unmarinated meat .

  17. 一半是啤酒一半是黑啤酒。

    Half beer and half porter .

  18. 全麦芽黑啤酒的研制

    Development of Entire Malt Dark Beer

  19. 本文对黑啤酒酿制中原料配比和有关工艺要点进行了探讨。

    The proportion of raw material and the gist of technological process is discussed in this article .

  20. 一种增香黑啤酒的研制

    Development of Fragrant Dark Beer

  21. 黑啤酒的研制

    Development of Dark Beer

  22. 我以前没有尝过散装的吉尼斯黑啤酒,不过我想我会很快习惯的。

    I haven 't tried draught Guinness before but I think I could very soon get used to it .

  23. 这一时尚的确导致了某些例外,如“圣诞节越橘陈贮啤酒”或“南瓜烈性黑啤酒”――但这是在美国。

    This trend does lead to occasional lapses such as Christmas Cranberry Lager or Pumpkin Stout-but this is America .

  24. 研究人员们用普通或者非酒精类比尔森啤酒或者黑啤酒将排骨浸泡4小时。

    Researchers marinated the chops for four hours in either regular or non-alcoholic pilsner , or a dark ale .

  25. 酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。

    Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug . We sell a wide range of ales and stouts .

  26. 这款英国黑啤酒为凯瑟琳大帝酿造,在从波罗的海到圣彼得堡海运时还要用木桶存放。

    Brewed for Catherine the Great , this English stout was originally cask-conditioned to endure the long Baltic voyage to St. Petersburg .

  27. 当天早些时候,奥巴马夫妇访问了曼尼格村,并品尝了吉尼斯黑啤酒。

    Earlier in the day , the couple travelled to the tiny County Offaly village of Moneygall , where they drank Guinness .

  28. 我看到这里有黑啤酒的广告。我听说过。这是爱尔兰啤酒。

    Ah , I see there 's an advert for Guinness . I 've heard of that . It 's an Irish beer .

  29. 两便士能买一品脱黑啤酒,四便士能买一夸脱,八便士就是一加仑。不,一加仑得花一先令四便士。

    Twopence a pint , fourpence a quart , eightpence a gallon of porter , no , one and fourpence a gallon of porter .

  30. 把这些话开诚布公地说出,不再积压在心头以后,她吃起河虾,喝起黑啤酒来,这时心情愉快,随时准备为永恒的友谊而发愿起誓。

    Having relieved her mind of these disclosures , she partook of shrimps and porter , and evinced a disposition to swear eternal friendship .